Disposable Citizens: Corporate America’s Greatest Achievement

The Article: The Corporate Achievement Of Disposable Citizens To Enhance Profits in Sinclair News.

The Text: Nature’s havoc has an uncanny ability to peel back the facade of an evil government and lay bear the darkness of its soul. There has never been a more insidious environmental cover-up that will ultimately sacrifice or harmfully alter millions of lives in the future for the sake of profit than the Fukushima nuclear meltdown. The ongoing cover-up jointly managed by the governments of Japan and the United States over the facts and future consequences of the ongoing global radiation poisoning emanating from the Fukushima nuclear site reflects the depth of evil that both governments are capable of.

For the United States, this is just another in a long series of environmental disaster cover-ups designed to protect the profits of corporations. The political process that appoints corporate insiders to key government management and policy positions has been put in place to protect corporate interests at the expense of the public. The incestuous relationship that exists between the government and corporations is the tap root of a poisonous vine wrapped around the global economy whose nourishment is derived from Federal Reserve monetary policies, tax avoidance as well as the exploitation of the global environment and global working class.

Much of the evil that permeates American society is streamed through the abuse of government power on behalf of corporations and is perpetrated on innocent people by the ability of the corporate lobby to corrupt government power for self interest, suffocate democracy and thereby molest societies as they see fit. This is the evil lurking behind the Republican Faustian quest to dismantle regulations, the last road block preventing corporations from having free reign to abuse the environment, the rights of individuals, and the heritage of Americans for the sake of profits that pay no taxes.

In the case of Fukushima, life’s sacred potential for millions of people around the globe will be needlessly snuffed out or irreparably altered for the sake of allowing TEPCO and the nuclear power industry to withstand the consequences of this disaster. The face of evil associated with the Corporate-Government partnership can be seen in the steady plume of dangerous radiation bombarding Japan, the United States and other sections of the world for over a year while governments deny, lie and refuse to implement common sense precautions to protect the public. The inhumane consequences associated with the ongoing Fukushima meltdown being dispersed by both ocean and air currents will exceed the catastrophe of Chernobyl.

In response, our government has effectively pressed the mute button to silence the nation’s radiation monitoring systems, reconfigured radiation tolerances upwardly, refuted known health conditions and symptoms associated with radiation exposure and refused to monitor or test the food supply being impacted by the constant fallout. The milk that parents rely on to nourish their children is very vulnerable to radiation contamination. At this point, all food and seafood originating in Japan should have been boycotted. Enhanced radiation levels are even showing up in some retail metal products sold to the public.

As a consequence of the government’s inaction in order to protect trade and agribusiness profits, the public has no understanding of the present and future danger that is facing them. For an in-depth discussion on the consequences of the Fukushima accident, additional articles on this subject are:

“Fukushima-Worse than Chernobyl”

“FOIA Documents Reveal NRC Cover-Up, Deception Over Fukushima Nuclear Disaster”

“Ocean Radiation Plume Hits Hawaii From Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown”

Many government statistics and measurement systems are designed to purposefully deceive. In the case of radiation contamination and exposure, the government in partnership with the nuclear industry masks radiation’s deadly long term reality by using phony science wrapped around misleading probabilities in order to extrapolate a false sense of safety where none exists. Once radiation permeates the food supply or the environment to the degree that people begin to ingest or breathe in hot radioactive particles over an extended period of time, then all statistical theory regarding safety collapses.

Children in particular are at greater risk to develop thyroid problems, a compromised immune system and other conditions that can permanently alter their health. Worst of all, there is a significant increase in the risk to them of developing cancer from ingesting milk, food and air containing hot radiation particles of any dimension, half-life or quantity. The government and nuclear industry’s contrived safety standard of nascent gamma rays passing through your body on an airplane at 30,000 feet was never the reality of radiation exposure.

When corporations are allowed to fund and control research, scientific protocols, influence human tolerance levels, and at the same time are permitted to capture and neuter regulation authority with assorted tricks such as a revolving door jobs system, you have put in place a structure capable of exploitation beyond the boundaries of the law and even the inhumane. This is the model that has been put in place by corporations in partnership with the political class across the entire spectrum of our regulation system that is supposed to protect the public.

America’s rivers are sewers, our oceans polluted and our environment so saturated with toxic chemicals that traces of the most toxic chemicals known to man can be detected in almost every human embryo. Yet, America’s political class continues to promote an anti-environment agenda so malignant as to purposely sacrifice life or irreparably alter millions of lives for the sake of profit.

Today, the corporate lobby has effectively decriminalized white collar and corporate crimes against humanity and nature. They have infiltrated and bought off both political parties with an unlimited supply of campaign contributions awaiting any legislator willing to sell their soul to a corporate lobbyist. They have rigged the tax system so corporations pay little or no taxes. They have dismantled the regulatory system. Even the Supreme Court has succumbed to the evil doers by opening more valves for corporate money to influence the political process.

If you filter out the culture and class warfare rhetoric designed by both political parties to distract you from the corporate takeover of America’s government, you will see a very sinister fog engulfing this nation, commanding an allegiance to its course regardless of where it travels even if it compromises our democracy, economy or the well being of our citizens. Political party allegiance has replaced statesmanship. Ideology has replaced debate. Lobbyists have become our lawmakers, while a tax avoidance syndicate has rewired our tax code so that they can hoard America’s wealth off book while garnishing the wages of the unborn to shoulder trillions of debt in order to subsidize their fortunes.

The rule of law and system of regulation as applied to the deacons of the Corporate-Government Partnership have been simplified to a “do as you please” policy with an occasional no contest fine imposed for window dressing. Bulging bank statements generated from making a fast buck spun into tax avoidance schemes have become the moral authority of this governing generation, whereas, personal sacrifice was the moral authority of the “Greatest Generation”. Even in the face of millions of normal lives harmed or irreparably altered for the worse, the fog must proceed to engulf and capture. No object or tradition must be allowed to stand in its way; reverence and the rule of law must yield.


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