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George Takei Nails Rape “Cause” Double Standards

George Takei On Rape

Anyone care to address why this might be?


Kate Winslet Has Some Pretty Progressive Kids

Kate Winslet On Kids

That seven year old has more sense than many of our so-called leaders in DC.


Charlie Chaplin On Liberty

Charlie Chaplin Liberty

And because Charlie will always kick ass, here’s his speech in full, from The Great Dictator:


Noam Chomsky On Keeping People Passive And Obedient

Noam Chomsky Passive Obedience

Neither adjective can be applied to Chomsky, however; and the CIA knows it. Just recently, the covert agency admitted to spying on the renown thinker and keeping a file on a man who had the audacity to decry the war in Vietnam (among other things) in the 1970s.


10 Great Ricky Gervais Quotes On Life, God, And Humor

Engaging in over-the-top, occasionally cringe-worthy and downright despicably dark humor for years, atheist funny man Ricky Gervais leaves no stone unturned in his refreshingly biting social commentary. Many would be surprised to learn that before he appeared as snide manager David Brent in “The Office”, Gervais set his sights on academia and earned honors from University College of London when he graduated with a degree in philosophy. Without further ado, here are ten glimpses into Gervais’ own.

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