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When Journalists Press Politicians

Hours before the shutdown, a CNN journalist asks two Republican politicians if they’d be willing to forego their salaries as “non-essential members” of the federal workforce. Their response? Exactly what you’d expect: they didn’t give one.


Elizabeth Warren On The Government Shutdown

The Affordable Care Act is here to stay. As is Barack Obama for the remainder of his term. To take out your frustration on those who voted for Obama–knowing full well the implications of a second term–is not just bad leadership; it’s the antithesis of it. As Warren notes, it’s called hostage taking. And it’s all they have left.


The Republican Doomsday Cult

The sad thing is that while extreme, this isn’t that far out of the realm of possibility.


Bernie Sanders Hits The Nail On The Shutdown’s Head

Straight from the socialist firebrand himself: “I’m an advocate of a single-payer national health care system, but it never occurred to me to bring down the United States government and cause pain for millions of workers because I can’t get my way.”

For more Sanders magic, check out our list of his 10 best quotes.


Drunk Conservative Voicemails

If he’s this awful drunk, can you imagine how miserable he is in person? Poor Rebecca…it sucks when Rand Paul has your cell phone number.


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