Your Daily Dose Of Irony

Kentucky Irony

The use of divisive social issues and pandering to the prejudices of a poorly-educated population have aided substantially in continued Republican control over southern states. As you can see (though Kentucky’s current governor is a Democrat), the real losers are the voters.


Ted Cruz’s Honorable Pledge

Ted Cruz Pledge

If Obamacare isn’t repealed in 2015, we’d also like to see Cruz swap his Goldman Sachs cadillac health insurance (courtesy of his wife) for federally doled out options.


Journalists’ Hilarious Live Tweets Of Sochi Olympics Trauma

Sochi Tweets Olympics

While most of us in the continental United States moan and groan about persistent polar vortexes, consider this: at least you can drink the water from your faucet (OK, maybe still not in West Virginia) and flush your toilet paper down the toilet. Not so in Sochi. Oh, and it’s cold as balls there. As Vladimir Putin and co soar toward the Sochi Olympics on their Siberian cranes, journalists on the ground are wondering what in the hell they’ve gotten themselves into. Case in point: these tweets.

Sochi Tweets Water

Sochi Tweets Blood

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15 Reasons Why The US Deserves Every Bad Thing That Happens To It

Speak American Abortion

Believe it or not, the most offensive thing about this year’s Superbowl wasn’t Bruno Mars’ flashy crooning or his phosphorescent grin. No, it wasn’t the national anthem. And if you were a Seahawks fan, it sure as hell wasn’t the game. In fact, it was only outside the field where things got real ugly, real quick.

Coca Cola, using the shiny, trendy cloak of diversity to aggrandize its product, unveiled what they likely thought a benign commercial featuring–gasp–faces, races and words unknown to Ward Cleaver’s neighborhood, all singing along to “America, the Beautiful” like a big ole melting pot should.

Alas, the world just isn’t as rosy as the sugar smack dealers would have liked to think. It might come as a shock that not the most enlightened individuals take part in a belligerent, belching and booze-filled event known as “watching the Super Bowl” every year. It might come as an even bigger shock that these liberty-loving, wing-munching Americans don’t cotton too well to the idea of a terrorist–or god forbid, a gay one–adding his or her harmony to the great American chorus when he or she speaks “Arab”. Thus, #SpeakAmerican found its way from the dregs of Twitter-using neanderthals to its trending page. Here are some of the worst examples.

Speak American GTFO Now

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Welcome To The Middle Class!

Middle Class

Your incomes have been falling for five years in a row even though you’ve likely worked harder to make up for all the layoffs at work. But don’t complain. You’re one of the lucky ones.


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