Jesus And FOX News

Jesus Fox

It would make more sense for FOX hacks to praise the Romans’ enterprising spirits.


Summer Rerun Season


Prediction: when Hillary runs for re-election in 2020, a respirator-fitted Lindsey Graham will still be screeching about Ben-gha-zeeeeee.


Why “Breaking Bad” Wouldn’t Work In Europe

Breaking Bad Europe

Breaking Bad Taxpayers

So in a way, you under- and uninsureds should be grateful. You might not be able to afford to go to the doctor when you’re sick, but at least you got a great TV show out of it.


The Net Neutrality Debate Summed Up In 3 Minutes

From the vlogbrothers: “Hank debates Hank on one of the most important debates in the United States today, whether to keep the internet open or to allow cable companies to open fast lanes (and slow lanes) for different parts of the internet to flow through.”


Lazy People

Lazy People

The 113th Congress is the least productive Congress in history. And yet, they don’t advocate for cutting their own safety nets. Shocking.


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