Elizabeth Warren Winning

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She’s left Ben Bernanke scrambling for words and on the defensive. FOX News now blames the Massachusetts senator for the financial crisis and conservatives have begun to call on Elizabeth Warren to quit her campaign dramatics and get to “work”–which for them most likely means “Enough following through with your promises; who do you think you’re working for, the people?” No matter how much GOP ire Warren inspires, the new head of the Senate Banking Committee isn’t going anywhere any time soon–and thank God for that. Here are some of her best moments.

Warren On The Mired State Of The Nation

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Contraception Contradicts Capitalism?

You know you’re Karl Rove when you actually think that a women trying to prevent unplanned pregnancy lacks personal responsibility. You know you’re a FOX wonk when you actually buy that twisted logic.


Mobama Teaches Jimmy Fallon How To Dougie

OK, so not that substantive but still–best FLOTUS.


The Right’s Unfathomable Stupidity

The latest example: Obama’s so-called plot to raise a black army and disarm white gun owners. Sometimes I don’t believe in free speech…


Jimmy Carter On The Year’s “Best” Picture

Argo won gold at last night’s Academy Awards, but certainly not for its historical accuracy. Says Carter, “90% of the contributions to the ideas and the consummation of the plan was Canadian,” Carter said. “And the movie gives almost full credit to the American CIA. And with that exception, the movie is very good…”

So in other words, congratulations, Ben?


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