Chris Dodd Hearts Unwarranted AIG Corporate Bonuses

It’s my favorite Democratic piece of shit, Christopher Dodd, explaining how he lied about being responsible for the language in the stimulus bill that allowed corporate bonuses to companies receiving bailout money! Because of his insertion into the bill, AIG executives get to walk out the door with over $165 million in bonuses (hoo-ray for democracy sponsored by capitalism!)

Now of course, the real question is why. The ‘why’ is actually that Christopher Dodd receives a ton of money from the financial and insurance industry, including over $280,000 donated to Dodd’s political campaigns from AIG alone.

So, in total, what a nice little investment for AIG! Stuff a little piggy full of cash and get a bigger piggy bank in return. Don’t you love Washington?

See Also: The big three come out for AIG bonuses, Split Emerging Between Conservative Media And GOP Leadership On AIG Mess, Hannity And Limbaugh Back AIG, AIG clawbacks: barely legal, How’s It Playing? The Country Internalizes AIG Anger, New Deal Lessons for AIG, AIG Facts are Even Worse Than You Thought, Do You Feel Lucky, AIG? Well, Do You?, The AIG Bonuses… A Letter to Our Leaders, Why We Own AIG, “The Tipping Point?”, A.I.G. is paying millions of taxpayer dollars in “retention bonuses” to employees who no longer work for them, Angry About The AIG Bonuses? Blame Washington, I called it a corporate coup, they call it looting… either way, we got robbed…, Dodd Caught Lying Like a Motherfucker….., Dems To Introduce Bill To Tax AIG Bonuses, and The Most Disgusting Congressional Reactions To AIG.

[tags]aig, democrats, corruption, christopher dodd, chris dodd, dodd is corrupt, AIG insurer, bribery, bribary, CEO bonuses, aig bonuses, stimulus bill, democrats are just as corrupt as republicans you are just too dumb and near-sighted to realize, stimulus bill provisions, corporate executives, bonuses, wall street bonuses[/tags]


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