Obama Versus Obama

By directly contradicting himself, Obama is always right!


Goldman Sachs’ Steps To Billionaire Success

From Mark Fiore: Heard about the Goldman Sachs success story? Take a lesson from them and turn your economic situation around! Use modern capitalism to go from unemployment to billionaire riches with the help of this political cartoon.


Barack Obama Rips Zach Galifianakis



Noam Chomsky On Abortion And Conflicting Values

“Values are not absolute. Life is made up of decisions in complicated situations. If you look at one in isolation, it may sound legitimate…but you have to ask what it means under particular conditions.”


The American Petroleum Institute

You can buy peace of mind! From Mark Fiore: “Keystone XL and tar sands oil are emissions-free wonders that will do everything good you ever thought possible. (At least according to the American Petroleum Institute.) Let’s take a look at the organization that has been lobbying their heart out to get Keystone XL approved.”


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