Bernie Sanders Hits The Nail On The Shutdown’s Head

Straight from the socialist firebrand himself: “I’m an advocate of a single-payer national health care system, but it never occurred to me to bring down the United States government and cause pain for millions of workers because I can’t get my way.”

For more Sanders magic, check out our list of his 10 best quotes.


Drunk Conservative Voicemails

If he’s this awful drunk, can you imagine how miserable he is in person? Poor Rebecca…it sucks when Rand Paul has your cell phone number.


Obama’s Reassignment Surgery

It’s been a confusing summer for the residents of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. So much so that it seems they’ve undergone some sort of policy reassignment surgery…just who is Barack Obama, anyway?


50 Years Of Mass Shootings

Sadly, the thought of teaching gun safety techniques in kindergarten isn’t entirely out of the realm of possibility. Mass shootings have become all too familiar in American vocabulary, and above Rachel Maddow discusses the alarming themes common in them all.


As Incomes Remain Stagnant, “Micro” Homes Are On The Rise

Via PBS: While more and more people are living alone, the costs of rent and real estate are soaring. So cities like New York and Vancouver are trying to get the most out of some of the apartment space they do have, by creating “micro” apartments. Many of these apartments are smaller than what was previously allowed under the law.


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