I am bearded; I am graduate student. Smell my niche?

I am in London. I am a graduate student. I am increasing my vocabulary. I am writing lots of things like this. I am meeting new people. I am intentionally neglecting the past. I still feel divorced from the present. I promise to be better in the future. I look like this:


Enjoy your worries, you may never have them again. So do me a favor and shop at Amazon.


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  1. […] divorced from the present. I promise to be better in the future. I look like this: <center><img src=’http://www.prosebeforehos.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/alecgrad.jpg&#…</center> <a […]

  2. God I Look Good

    No, seriously. Come see how good I look.

    I am bearded. I am graduate student.

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