The Peculiar Nature Of Ron Paul

The Article: Ron Paul’s Strange Bedfellows by Katha Pollott in The Nation.

The Text: What is it with progressive mancrushes on right-wing Republicans? For years, until he actually got nominated, John McCain was the recipient of lefty smooches equaled only by those bestowed upon Barack Obama before he had to start governing. You might disagree with what McCain stood for, went the argument, but he had integrity, and charisma, and some shiny mavericky positionsā€”on campaign finance reform and gun control andā€¦ well, those two anyway.

Now Ron Paul is getting the love. At Truthdig, Robert Scheer calls him ā€œa profound and principled contributor to a much-needed national debate on the limits of federal power.ā€ In The Nation, John Nichols praises his ā€œpure conservatism,ā€ ā€œvaluesā€ and ā€œprinciple.ā€ Salonā€™s Glenn Greenwald is so outraged that progressives havenā€™t abandoned the warmongering, drone-sending, indefinite-detention-supporting Obama for Paul that he accuses them of supporting the murder of Muslim children. Thereā€™s a Paul fan base in the Occupy movement and at Counterpunch, where Alexander Cockburn is a longtime admirer. Paul is a regular guest of Jon Stewart, who has yet to ask him a tough question. And yes, these are all white men; if there are leftish white women and people of color who admire Paul, theyā€™re keeping pretty quiet.

Ron Paul has an advantage over most of his fellow Republicans in having an actual worldview, instead of merely a set of interestsā€”he opposes almost every power the federal government has and almost everything it does. Given Washingtonā€™s enormous reach, it stands to reason that progressives would find targets to like in Paulā€™s wholesale assault. I, too, would love to see the end of the ā€œwar on drugsā€ and our other wars. I, too, am shocked by the curtailment of civil liberties in pursuit of the ā€œwar on terror,ā€ most recently the provision in the NDAA permitting the indefinite detention, without charge, of US citizens suspected of involvement in terrorism. But these are a handful of cherries on a blighted tree. In a Ron Paul America, there would be no environmental protection, no Social Security, no Medicaid or Medicare, no help for the poor, no public education, no civil rights laws, no anti-discrimination law, no Americans With Disabilities Act, no laws ensuring the safety of food or drugs or consumer products, no workersā€™ rights. How far does Paul take his war against Washington? He wants to abolish the Federal Aviation Authority and its pesky air traffic controllers. He has one magic answer to every problemā€”including how to land an airplane safely: let the market handle it.

Itā€™s a little strange to see people who inveigh against Obamaā€™s healthcare compromises wave away, as a detail, Paulā€™s opposition to any government involvement in healthcare. In Ron Paulā€™s America, if you werenā€™t prudent enough or wealthy enough to buy private insuranceā€”and the exact policy that covers whatā€™s ailing you nowā€”you find a charity or die. And if civil liberties are so important, how can Paulā€™s progressive fans overlook his opposition to abortion and his signing of the personhood pledge, which could ban many birth control methods? Last time I checked, women were half the population (the less important half, apparently). Technically, Paul would overturn Roe and let states make their own laws regulating womenā€™s bodies, up to and including prosecuting abortion as murder. Add in his opposition to basic civil rights lawā€”he maintains his opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act and opposes restrictions on the ā€œfreedomā€ of business owners to refuse service to blacksā€”and his hostility to the federal government starts looking more and more like old-fashioned Southern-style statesā€™ rights. No wonder they love him over at Stormfront, a white-supremacist website with neo-Nazi tendencies. In a multiple-choice poll of possible effects of a Paul presidency, the most popular answer by far was ā€œPaul will implement reforms that increase liberty which will indirectly benefit White Nationalists.ā€ And letā€™s not forget his other unsavory fan base, Christian extremists who want to execute gays, adulterers and ā€œinsubordinate children.ā€ Paulā€™s many connections with the Reconstructionist movement, going back decades, are laid out on AlterNet by Adele Stan, who sees him as a faux libertarian whose real agenda is not individualism but to prevent the federal government from restraining the darker impulses at work at the state and local levels.

Itā€™s all pretty incoherent for a man often praised as principled and consistent and profoundā€”if states could turn themselves into a Christian theocracy, could they also turn themselves into socialist mini-republics? If they can ban contraception, can they also compel contraception? For people who see Paul as an antiwar candidate who will restore the Bill of Rights, itā€™s almost bad manners to bring up his opposition to just about every piece of progressive legislation passed in the last 200 years, from the Occupational Safety and Health Act and membership in the UN to Federal Deposit Insurance and requirements that undocumented immigrants be permitted treatment in ERs. But come on! This man has been a stone reactionary his entire life. Consistent? Not to harp on abortion, but an effective ban would require a level of policing that would make the war on drugs look feeble.

If Ron Paul was interested in peace, he wouldnā€™t be a Republicanā€”that party has even more enthusiasm for the military-industrial complex than the Democrats. For decades the GOP has turned every election into a contest over who is more macho, more nationalistic, more willing to do exactly the things lefty Paul fans excoriate Obama for doing. Paul doesnā€™t get re-elected in his Texas district because of boutique positions like thinking Osama bin Laden should have been arrested, not assassinated.

Supporting Ralph Nader in 2000 was at least a vote for oneā€™s actual politics. Supporting Ron Paul is just a gesture of frivolityā€”or despair.


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  1. sailing says:

    Ron isn’t for theocracies nor socialist mini republics BUT he is for people having control over their own lives through local representation, so if the people of a smaller area (small enough for the man on the street to impact policy, not just special interests) chose either of those scenarios, he wouldn’t think it his place to object.

    You are WRONG about his world view not being coherent, it just starts at a different place than you are used to. Liberty and self determination for the individual, so long as they are not hurting anyone else.

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