Author Archive

Headed down south

May be slow with the updates this week as I’m headed down South. Hopefully we will have the new design up by next week. Sniff you jerks later.


Meta Fun!

Who knew so many people wanted to have anal sex with Ayn Rand on public transportation?


The Redesigns, They’re A Coming

We’re doing our best to be consistent with updating PBH while we redesign the site. Also, be sure to check out our other sites, including Disgraceful and Sexy, PBH2, Die Guido Die, and Die Hipster Die.

And of course, PBH is on Twitter now. You can also find PBH on MySpace, Alec and Kit on Facebook, and of course, you can find me on Reddit and Digg.

– The Management


Yah Yah, We Gave In

PBH is on Twitter now. You can also find PBH on MySpace, Alec and Kit on Facebook, and of course, you can find me on Reddit and Digg.


More Design Updates, Welp, That’s A Paddlin’

Given that we are crippled with inadequacy and writers block, we are going to undergo more design updates at PBH. Don’t like it? Too bad.


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