Author Archive

Crushed By Impotent Rage


do you believe in gods?

do they wear blue and red?

do they intervene in your daily affairs?

do the cracks in your beliefs get filled

with processed corn

david duchavny

and trips to the beach?



Design Ho!

As previously mentioned, we’ve been going through a series of changes in our design. These changes should:

a) Make the site easier to use.
b) Eliminate those annoying audio/virus hijack ads.
c) Minimize load time.

How has everyones experience been so far?

PBH Admins


The Design Changes

Dear PBH Readers,

What do you guys think of the design changes? We are going to scrap our current design in the coming months and do everything from scratch, but for now, would like to know how everyone is liking the new changes (mostly, related posts segment on single posts, the 3 column appearance, etc.)

Or in the words of Lucy, “He better call me before he comes over, so I can shave my choca. Or if he likes it hairy, leave it hairy, or give it a little crew cut if he likes.”

PBH Admins


Working For The Blog

Trying desperately to implement the new blog. More to come soon, I promise. 🙂



Damn you Onion:

Local resident Alan Bower’s particular brand of sardonic, no-holds-barred commentary about everything around him has firmly established the 31-year-old policy writer as an absolutely terrible person who is always ready to crack a joke, sources reported Monday….

Other acquaintances indicated that shooting blistering one-liners at any person he comes in contact with is just one of the ways in which Bower can always be counted on to ruin a good time. Longtime friend Stephen Rosenthal said that dogs, infants, films, and even inanimate objects are never safe from Bower’s hilarious assessments.

“Trust me, nothing’s sacred to Alan,” Rosenthal said. “I remember one time he came to my 6-year-old son’s T-ball game, and he gave it the same type of relentless send-up that he would give to a bad movie or a Vespa scooter. There’s just no holding him back.”

Added Rosenthal, “He’s really, really funny.”

Welp, I’ve been called out appropriately. I’ll go die in a hole now.


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