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Confessions Of An Internet Hitman: Volume 1

Typical Digg And Reddit Power User Moderator

A “friend” is a wanted man by the KFC. And it’s all because of this commercial:

It smacks more of Dave Chappelle than the Colonel, but it is an actual KFC ad that ran in Australia. The “friend” thought the ad would ruffle feathers with more politically-correct American circles. He posted it on Facebook and Twitter and went to bed.
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Talkin’ Bout Y Generation

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Images

Generation Y is sick, yo! We’re 70 million Americans strong, born between 1981 and 1992, and always have the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ back:

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Bros Icing Bros: The Real Story

Ladies, I apologize in advance.

Hopefully you laughed a little during the bomb also known as Sex & The City 2. Because with the July arrival of the LeBron Sweepstakes, the World Cup, and the return of Jersey Shore (in Miami this time), the Summer of 2010 is poised to become the Summer of Bro-dom. And the official drink of the Summer of Bro-Dom is (unfortunately) Smirnoff Ice.


There are certain Internet fads you wish you could fast-forward life until they are over. RickRolling was especially painful. The Hitler Hates The Jonas Brothers / The Minnesota Vikings memes, while hilarious, are thankfully on their last legs.

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The Six Things I’ve Learned From Business School

Columbia Business School - What I Learned About Business School

Dear Dad,

B-school is good. There’s free pizza everywhere. And I can’t even get that mad about summer classes. It’s like summer camp, except with reading. There are still some things that take some getting used to, however. The Professors try to cram the word “synergy” into every other sentence. Everyone curses Greece hourly. And in the time it took me to write this sentence, I got five emails for sublet apartments in Chelsea.

Here are six other lessons after one semester:

6. Law school kids are right. Business kids have more fun.

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From yesterday

I’m sitting here at 9PM on Monday writing you from the future. I’ve been up for 24 hours now but I can never go to bed at 9, it has to be at least 10. My day started in Las Vegas puking into a toilet at the Paris hotel. It had been a good dinner party the night before. Miranda and Keith had a World of Warcraft wedding cake made and I complemented it with a bottle or so of red.

So anyways 16 hours later I landed in Tokyo. The weather isn’t too bad, 70s and cloudy, and Japan is just like out of the movies. All modern, but with a Japanese twist on everything. Rice paddies instead of soy. I was proud of myself for being able to get a bus ticket out to Tsukuba without any problems, and actually end up here, 2 hours away from the airport. My coworker picked me up from the bus station and we went and had donburi, or basically deep fried pork. It was awesome, as you might imagine. The tea they served was also kick ass. I wish I had remembered to bring my Japanese etiquette book. I hope I am not too unintentionally rude.

Here at the hotel I have a fancy toilet in the bathroom, with automatic seat warmer and built-in bidet. It’s been kinda fun to use. The bath frightens me though, although since it is private my shame will be my own. I’m just not exactly sure what the correct procedure is. I know you are supposed to shower before hand, but the shower is sort of over the room part. It’s pretty interesting actually. I’ll explore it tomorrow morning and write a report.


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