I Did Not Speak Out

Here’s a little poem I wrote called I did not speak out against the impending encroachment of the New York Times Barack Obama Muslim Fascist Communist Socialist State:

First they came for the Imperial system, and I did not speak out—because I was not an Imperial system;

Then they came for the health care companies, and I did not speak out—because I was not a health care company;

Then they came for the Sarah Palin, and I did not speak out—because I was not Sarah Palin;

Then they came for Whites—and there was no one left to speak out for me except illegal immigrants and ACORN.

See Also: You must pick: the Founders or Socialism, Democrats Losing Young America, HOW CORRUPT AND TREASONOUS IS THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION?, ANOTHER NAIL IN SOCIALISM’S COFFIN, “You lie!”, Kill The Bill!, Hey Kids! Merry Christmas from the Democrats – It’s Porkulus 2!, You Never Knew What You Lost Until It’s Gone – The New Rasmussen Poll On ObamaCare, Freedom-Loving Americans Staging Events Saturday at Venues Across St. Louis Area, and Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures.

[tags]a poem about barack obama, barack obamas america, socialism, communism, fascism, founding fathers, democracy, the constitution, NEW YORK TIMES, where did our freedumbs go?, freedom, freedom aint free, 9/11 was freedom, barack obama is hitler stalin, barack obama = hitler, where did our freedoms go, health care aint free, rich people is freedom, i love oppression, i sympathize with my capitalist masters[/tags]


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