Why Huffington Post Will Never, Ever Get It

Occupy Wall Street Presented By Chase

Policing a legal non-violent protest, presented to you by the same good folks who gave you the Wall Street Democratic Party and Joseph Lieberman!


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  1. WTF says:

    I don’t get it… Kick the stupid hippies out of the park. The right to protest does not include the right to camp in a city park and infringe on the rights of others to enjoy the park.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you an inkling about what they are protesting about , you wouldnt call them ‘dirty hippies’. Thats just plain awful. Grow up.

      • Anonymous says:

        I would call them dirty hippies. Have you actually talked to any of them personally? Because I have and I get a different answer from each of them. They have no clear plan, they put literally no effort into their protest other than destroying city parks, and quite frankly give everybody who is fighting for wealth equality a bad name. You would think that with the backing they have they would find a better and more efficient way to change things, but camping out in parks is the best they come up with.

    • Gerardo says:

      Being born in this planet, does not mean you have to live under someone else rules either, but that is the case isn’t, and that is why these people are there.
      If you have a better idea, instead of making silly comments, go there and help communicate the message…so, now, tell us, like an adult, what is your better idea to solve the problem?

      • Prophet says:

        Gerardo, contrary to your understanding of how national, state and local laws work, being born does not preclude you to living under the rules of whatever government has authority in that local. You dont like the rules where you live? Blame your parents, start protesting and be angry, but break those rules and expect to be punished accordingly. Your disdain for the rules doesn’t mean that they no longer apply to you.

  2. Web Dev says:

    You do realize that whatever ad scripts they have on the site run without the owners of the website choosing what is displayed? It is completely based off the visiting user’s browser/search history and cookies. So if you have been looking up a lot of news about big banks, guess what, it will show you ads from big banks. This has nothing to do with Huffington Post and everything with you not know how websites and online ads work. You’re agenda is showing through your stupidity.

  3. ows says:

    Just more ‘grassroots’ by the liberals… these are the same ones that stuffed the ballot boxes in 2010 for obama and traveled from polling station to polling station.

    It’s very telling that they made several unsubstantiated claims about the TEA Party protests, which were never proved true, no video or pictures were ever produced, nor was an article or police report ever found about any such incidence; but you see chaos all the time at these OWS ‘protests’ .. rape, death, murder

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you serious? Everything you just wrote was the reverse of what actually happened. You seem really gung ho about your beliefs, so have fun with that I guess, but for God’s sake don’t present it like it’s fact. That’s not fair to young people who are still learning about the world.

      • Rick Shannon says:

        (S)He is a paid tea-bagger troll – you can tell by the over-the-top claims that have no basis in logic or reality.

  4. Ted says:

    They don’t take showers so they are DIRTY and they smell bad. They are idealistic HIPPIES and do not understand that they nor any system can take care of the homeless/criminals who are a natural part of humanity. This has been proven with the assaults, rapes, thefts, murders and suicides at OWS events (fate of HIPPY beliefs)!!

    So yes they are DIRTY HIPPIES!!!

    • Gerardo says:

      Because something happened in the past, doesn’t mean it has to happen in the future.

      You probably can’t understand that if you stay inside the limitations people used to live but if you open yourself to see more and new ideas to solve problems, you can see that making comment like this won’t do a thing for anyone, if you have a better idea, instead of complaining, go over there and help them communicate the message. What are you going to tell your children when they ask you: ” Mom, Dad, where were you when the whole planet was waking up? …

      People who are taking your money are also wearing upscale suits and cologne, so, if yo smell great, and are super clean, that doesn’t mean you can be a criminal or not, it’s irrelevant…do you see?

  5. elgatonegro says:

    If what they want is a good thing for all of us, but they don’t have a simple plan or the right spoke person, let’s focus on the solutions, not in just complaining, what do you say?

  6. cliff says:

    Hey Anonymous, you’re an idiot. The plan is clear. Quit giving tax breaks to the rich and to US corporations that are undeserved especially the ones that send jobs over seas. How the hell does it make sense for the rich to pay less tax than the poor? Like I said, you’re an idiot.

    • Prophet says:

      Cliff, you call a man an idiot, but aren’t doing much to exclude yourself from that identifier either.
      1. The wealthiest 10 percent pay over 80% of the tax dollars generated.
      2. The poorest 35 percent pay zero to negative dollars in taxes(have kids and you get money back for nothing!)
      3. Corporations pay out most of their profits to their shareholders, who in turn pay taxes on the return from their investments. In such cases a high corporate tax rate would effectively double tax the average investor(who generally arent in the 1 percent)
      4. Sending jobs overseas are a byproduct of too much regulation involving American workers, as well as overzealous trade regulations between nations.

      All of these things amount to problems in government, and not business. The anger directed at Wall Street is misdirected at best, flat out goofy at worst. If the plan is to modify tax structure, and eliminate the trade regulations that allow for moving jobs overseas, why fight wall street? Do they introduce legislation? Do they make effective changes in a public way? Or are they just playing the game exactly the way the American people set up the rules?

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