America Is For Americans

America Is For Americans Comic

Or, American nationalism in a nut shell:

Thanks y’all… This next song is about how much I love the French Statue of Liberty, the English language, German food, and the Spanish guitar. It’s called “America is For Americans.”


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  1. anon says:

    also america is not a country is a continent

    • Being anonymous is another word for "I'm a massive Dick"; I'm also being anon. says:

      It was very clear to all of us he meant North America

      When someone says America everybody thinks of North America.

      I’ve never heard anyone refer to South America as America.

      …….but yes, it would have been much better if it said:

      “It’s called, North America is for North Americans.”

      • Replying to a troll comment is feeding the troll says:

        Troll has been fed.

      • Wondering says:

        You do know Canada is part of North America also right…

      • butthole says:

        I think you’re missing the point that North America is a continent as well.

        Maybe we should all start with the basic knowledge that the United States of America is a country (within the continent North America)

  2. VyperBC says:

    Canada, United States AND Mexico are North America

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