The Best Gore Vidal Quotes

Gore Vidal Voters Quote

Gore Vidal is to political commentary as the tetanus shot is to medical procedures. They’re both incredibly sharp, stinging and, well, strong enough to make you immune to whatever feral creatures you encounter in the woods or on Capitol Hill. A lifelong Democrat and vociferous opponent of American foreign policy, when the self-proclaimed “queen bitch” wasn’t criticizing American democracy, he was getting into well-publicized spats with other literary greats like Norman Mailer and Truman Capote. Here are some of this intellectual diva’s strongest penned punches.

Gore Vidal Quotes Reagan TV

Gore Vidal Quotes Democracy

Gore Vidal Quotes Cost

Gore Vidal Quotes Money

Gore Vidal Quotes Corporate Grip

Gore Vidal Quotes Ruling Class

Gore Vidal Quotes American Brightness

Gore Vidal Quotes Democracy Aspirin

Gore Vidal Quotes Decadent Societies

Gore Vidal Quotes Journalism Truth


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