The Idiot Horse That Keeps On Giving

Look America, almost Vice President Palin is talking again:

Palin said there was a difference between the White House and what she had experienced in Alaska. If she were in the White House, she said, the “department of law” would protect her from baseless ethical allegations.

“I think on a national level, your department of law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we’ve been charged with and automatically throw them out,” she said.

There is no “Department of Law” at the White House.

Oh Sarah, it’s nice to have you back baby. I could never survive without you.

See Also: The Daily Palin, The Train Wreck From Wasilla, Palin Has No One But Herself to Blame for Criticisms, Like A Grizzly With Cubs, If By “Grizzly” You Mean “Quitter”, And By “Cubs” You Mean “Kids You Can’t Be Bothered With”, Report: Two-Thirds of Cost of Palin Ethics Probes Was Spent on a Charge She Filed against Herself, The Person John McCain Thought Could Be President, and Palin Wonders Why Sudden Resignation is Such a “Darn Big Deal?”

[tags]sarah palin, sara palin, department of law, ethics complaints, did she really say that, yes she did really say that, wow she is such a complete fucking idiot, yes she is!, she was almost our vice president, i know can you believe it?, no considering that john mccains shadow is the grim reaper we would have been fucked, yah sarah palin was almost our president and she is one of the dumbest human beings to grace this planet[/tags]


Sarah Palin Is But A Vessel For God’s Retarded Children

“More than once in my travels in Alaska, people brought up, without prompting, the question of Palin’s extravagant self-regard. Several told me, independently of one another, that they had consulted the definition of “narcissistic personality disorder” in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders—“a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy”—and thought it fit her perfectly. When Trig was born, Palin wrote an e-mail letter to friends and relatives, describing the belated news of her pregnancy and detailing Trig’s condition; she wrote the e-mail not in her own name but in God’s, and signed it “Trig’s Creator, Your Heavenly Father.”

— Todd Purdum in his Vanity Fair profile of Sarah Palin, It Came from Wasilla

See Also: A Party Of One, An Answer For Doug MacKinnon, Governor Sarah Palin – Flag Etiquette Training Required?, Why Do Liberals Hate Sarah Palin?, Those bitchy Republicans, Sarah Palin Hates America!, Palin E-Mails Suggest Tension With McCain Staffers, and McCain Campaign Manager Wanted Sarah Palin Muzzled.

[tags]sarah palin, vanity fair, todd purdum, sarah palen, narcissistic personality disorder[/tags]


Thriller Man…. Thriller.

“I was joking just now on Twitter, but I really would be broken up if Jacko died. I don’t care if he raped kids. My inner African just can’t let go of Thriller.”

Byron Crawford on the recent departure of Michael Jackson


Bourgeois Me Up, Buttercup

“The worship of a Christian God, of an exterior God, the submission to cred, to dogma, alienates man from his true essence. The more you worship a God, the more debased you are as a human being… As long as man is worshiping in this form, you will never have a world of humanity and fellowship”

Tristram Hunt, In his LSE lecture Friedrich Engels: the man who made Marxism


Debbie Schlussel Is A Fucking Moron

“Make no mistake. Muslims created this atmosphere where hatred of the Jews is okay and must be “tolerated” as a legitimate point of view. The shooting today is just yet another manifestation emanating from that viewpoint–another manifestation of the welcome mat that Muslims rolled out for fellow anti-Semites of all stripes to no longer be afraid to come out of the closet.

Moreover, not only do White supremacists and neo-Nazis work with Muslims in many, many documented cases and investigations. But they are basically one and the same. The only difference is that one guy is named James and the other guy is named Ahmed. And the former only has a few thousand discredited, marginalized compatriots.”

Debbie Schlussel, who apparently has never opened a history book. [Via Unqualified Offerings and Sullivan]


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