On Fox News, Universal Health Care = Terrorism
Posted on July 10, 2007 in Videos
From the segment:
A state run health care enterprise is bureaucratic, and I think the terrorists have shown over and over again, whether it’s dealing with INS or whether it’s dealing with airport security, they’re very good at gaming the system with bureaucracies. They’re very good at getting around bureaucracies..
And if one of your guys is a jihadist, if one of your doctors is spending all the time online reading Osama bin Laden fatwas, someone’s going to notice that. But the National Health Service is more like the post office, you know there’s a lot of anonymity, it’s easy to hide in the bureaucracy.

Are these guys fucking serious? Do they really sell more airtime with this bullshit?
Brilliant. I mean, the amount of brainpower, $$$, and sheer ingenuity that went in to countering Sicko fascinates the crap out of me. Really, though, what CAN’T Fox News link with Terror? Because, let’s face it: most Muslim doctor-terrorists are going to spend all their free time reading Osama’s fatwas on the internet at work (instead of trying to blend in by participating in the more traditional and wholesome American internet activities, such as playing flash games, flirting with 13 year olds on MySpace, and looking at bottle insertion pornography), where, if this was a British BUREAUCRACY, they would get away with it scot-free (because it’s not like Britain is one of the heaviest-monitored countries in the ‘free’ world, and it’s not like a hospital computer would be maintained and MONITORED ROUTINELY by the government – since they are paying for internet access at the hospitals – no, of course not). Whereas in the good ole US of A, those Muslim ‘oddities’ in Missouri would get found right out, and the proper ‘lynch the doctor and his family and set them on fire’ treatment would be administered. “This isn’t…uh..nonanot a racial comment, it just is.”
Because – once again – let’s face the facts here. Terrorists are just plain dumb. They’re simply addicted to jihadi websites, Osama fatwas, and just about anything else that blatantly links them to extremism by the authorities. I mean, it’s not like they were trained to be inconspicuous while they set up their terror network or anything. No way can sand-n@ggers be that smart! It’s not like they know algebra or anything…
Only normal n@ggers seem to be that smart – for reference, see the movie The Spook Who Sat By The Door.
Now all this may seem funny and completely ludicrous on the internet, what with all of us laughing as the rich health industry guys shit their pants over Sicko despite their tails being scrunched up so far between their legs one would think the fearful incontinence issue is a nonissue. But remember – the Fox News channel is on in EVERY REAL AMERICAN BAR I’ve ever been inside of, nonstop, being mentally digested by people who aren’t exactly in their best shape for critical thinking.
Damn it, if they would only stop hating our freedom!
Most of the terrorism happening in Asian countries that opened their markets of private Insurance companies seems to only benefit the private insurance companies…….
The only way to stop terrorism in Asia is to Nationalize all Insurance Companies!!!!
Faux News will go down in history in the same category as Joseph Goebbels and the other scumbags that fed propaganda to the people of the world.
I knew Fox News is bad news, but to associate themselves with an effing bigot and racist like that is a new low, even for Fox News.
1. News flash for you skinheads: not ALL Muslims are bad. That’s like saying, ALL Americans are stupid. Actually, it seems to be getting truer and truer every day, especially when idiots like this are regarded as an “expert” or a “news source.”
2. There’s a shortage of doctors regardless of what health care system the country has. That’s just a fact. It’s HARD work to become a doctor and not many people have the desire, motivation, brains, or money for it.
3. How dare you use fear as a weapon, for the HEALTH of the AMERICAN people?! How DARE you! I should not be surprised. Bush did it again and again, and you are using it to rape the American people again.
[…] On Fox News, Universal Health Care = Terrorism […]
The GOP will stop at nothing to get back to f-ing the economy and middle class. Fox is their propaganda machine.
great video – http://sickforprofit.com/#
I suppose if universal health care were to pass it is probably true that some of Foxs base _would_ turn terrorist.
I suppose if universal health care were to pass it is probably true that some of Foxs base _would_ turn terrorist.
I hope everyone saw this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoITVLWpKB8. I’m glad some Democrats still have courage and conviction.
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