Insulted, but Appreciated

I received an email for Death Cab for Cutie presale tickets with the following description of DCFC (why would you mildly insult the band coming to your venue?), but regardless, consider your emo-self called out:

Death Cab For Cutie Presale
Death Cab for Cutie musically embodies the spirit of millions of smart-but-sensitive Zach Braffs and Seth Cohens out there. And while frontman Ben Gibbard has become the posterchild for a collegiate Everyman, we will try to refrain from describing DCFC’s latest single, “I Will Follow You Into The Dark” as “precious”. However, we will be counting Vespas vs. messenger bags at their shows this November. The first night is already sold out, so best make “Plans” to see their second D.C. date.



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  1. PresaleMan says:

    That’s pretty harsh actually. Which venue sent that out?

  2. alec says:

    930 club in Washington DC! Pretty strange, right?

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