What Doesn’t Kill You Brings You That Much Closer to Death

What Doesn’t Kill You Brings You That Much Closer to Death:

I am a hospital physician. My department schedules us to work a few weekends a year. Like other doctors, I’m occasionally assigned to split a pair of weekends with someone who makes religious observance on Saturdays, so that he can work two Sundays, burdening me with two weekends of obligation. Is it O.K. to make me accommodate someone else’s religious practices? Name Withheld

Maybe instead of complaining about how some Jew has Jewed you out of your Saturday afternoons normally spent ignoring your wife and shopping on the Hammacher and Schlemmer website for The World’s Best ball shaver, you should remember why you got into this business in the first place: all that fucking cash. Dude, how awesome is that?!

You could also get a hobby, like building your own synagogue and then burning it down in hateful protest.


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