The Wall Street Journal Said Whaaaa?

Who snuck this into the Free Market Rich People Deserve Everything Mouthpiece?

Direct payments to the poor still have the biggest bang for the buck, since they go straight into the economic bloodstream, Mr. Zandi says. One dollar of increased food-stamp assistance produces $1.73 in higher economic growth, and the effect would be felt in three to six months. Using that same dollar as a lump-sum tax rebate for income-tax payers would yield all of one penny in additional growth, by Mr. Zandi’s calculations.

Sacre BLEU! Poor people… make.. economic sense… head… combusting… must… turn proletariat into… non-renewable sources of energy…


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  1. cityprole says:

    Sad but true. Poor folks generally need all the cash or chits they can find for basic necessities-food and shelter.So, no brainer, but-aren’t these the same corporate scalawags who scream the loudest about small-w welfare? We aint heard a peep outa them now that Bushie has decided that Corporate Welfare is the feel-good flavour of the day.
    For a different view of the same issue-here in Canada the food bank loves cash donations because they say that each dollar can purchase three dollars worth of food. Whaaa?

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