A Risky Feat: Covering The Arab Spring As A Freelancer

The Article: Rookie Freelancers Risking Their Lives To Cover The Arab Spring by Sarah Topol in The Daily Beast.

The Text: After two days of rough seas, the small fishing boat carrying two seasoned correspondents, rebel fighters, and Ruth Sherlock arrived at the besieged city of Misrata. It was the height of the Libyan civil war and the seasick passengers were eager to make landfall when suddenly, the boat came under fire. Not knowing if the bullets were from government troops or friendly fire from confused rebels, the journalists dove for cover. This is it, Sherlock thought. She was 24, working as a freelancer, with no one to bail her out in one of the most dangerous spots on earth.

Their boat was one of the first to land in the coastal enclave where 600 people had been killed in the first few weeks of fighting, mostly by government shelling of civilian homes. Libya was Sherlock’s first brush with conflict reporting—and unlike the experienced journalists she was traveling with, she had no money, no health insurance, no first-aid training, or even the most basic idea about how to work in a conflict zone.

When I met the petite blonde in the Libyan city of Benghazi in February 2011, she was filing stories for a Scottish newspaper and tagging along to the frontline with older correspondents. I was only two years older, but had been through a five-day hostile-environment training course and was on assignment—expenses paid—for an American magazine. I thought Sherlock was insane. “At the time, I was just so desperate to make it as a journalist, it was all I wanted,” she says.

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Paul Ryan, A Female’s Foe

The Article: Paul Ryan’s Promise to Make Life More Difficult for Women in Eclecta Blog.

The Text: When I’m at my most cynical, I almost believe that the Republican Party isn’t just a conspiracy to explode the national debt. It’s also a plot to force women into abortions.

In countries where the GOP dream of making abortion illegal has been realized, abortion rates are higher than countries where access is available.

In Arizona, where anti-abortion crusaders have passed some of the most restrictive women’s health laws in the country, abortion rates seemed to have increased.

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Long Live Elizabeth Warren

The Article: Truthdigger of the Week: Elizabeth Warren in Truth Dig.

The Text: The banking industry and its paid protectors have hounded Elizabeth Warren for the past decade because she is one of the few people in Washington who poses a threat to Wall Street’s control over government.

Warren is the Democratic candidate in the race to represent Massachusetts in the Senate. She is challenging incumbent Republican Scott Brown, who won the seat after Ted Kennedy’s death in 2009 called for a special election. Brown’s victory ended Democratic control of the position dating back to 1953.

In an attempt to scare the Massachusetts electorate into re-electing Brown, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg accused Warren of “socialism” in an interview with The New York Times published Oct. 21.

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Is Ohio Lost For Obama?

The Article: Obama damned as regulator-in-chief as anger runs high in Ohio coal country by Ed Pilkington in The Guardian.

The Text: It’s the afternoon shift change at the Harrison Resources mine, and about 30 miners are heading home after 10 hours shovelling for coal on an exposed hilltop in eastern Ohio. The men are dressed in an unofficial uniform of jeans, T-shirt and hard hat, and they speak in unison, too, when asked about the presidential election, now less than a week away.

“Obama’s done more damage in the last three years than anyone in the last 50,” said Brad Knight. “He and his advisers are a bunch of tree-huggers, east coast and west coast”.

“The way Obama’s handling the coal business,” said Lanny Stephen, “it looks like he’s trying to fade it out.” A third miner, Trent Sigman, chimed in: “They ought to raise the standards in China before they come after us – their standards are much less strict than ours”.

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Mitt Romney, Surrogate Of God

The Article: LOL Of The Week: Speaking For God in The National Memo.

The Text: Clearly Mitt Romney has decided the only way that he’ll ever be able to fulfill his destiny of bringing about the third term of Bush/Cheney is to run for Bush’s first term—or President Obama’s second.

For anyone who remembers George W. Bush tripping over himself to agree with Al Gore, lying about his tax plan and rejecting “nation building,” Romney’s fey flirtation with the center is chilling—especially when you know Romney’s 17 Bush/Cheney advisors are stewing in the wings, tuning their war drums.

The difference in 2000 was Bush had nothing to prove to his base and spent a year running as a “Compassionate Conservative.” Romney is banking on six weeks of approximating sanity being enough.

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