When An Over-Privileged Asshole From Harvard Speaks, The Whole World Holds Its Breath

Look, everybody! Our betters are Harvard Business School are telling us how the world should work again:

There’s a tectonic shift rocking the social, political, and economic landscape. The last two points above are what express it most concisely. I hate labels, but I’m going to employ a flawed, imperfect one: Generation “M.”

What do the “M”s in Generation M stand for? The first is for a movement. It’s a little bit about age — but mostly about a growing number of people who are acting very differently. They are doing meaningful stuff that matters the most. Those are the second, third, and fourth “M”s.

Gen M is about passion, responsibility, authenticity, and challenging yesterday’s way of everything. Everywhere I look, I see an explosion of Gen M businesses, NGOs, open-source communities, local initiatives, government.

Here’s what it looks like to me: every generation has a challenge, and this, I think, is ours: to foot the bill for yesterday’s profligacy — and to create, instead, an authentically, sustainably shared prosperity.

Yep, you read that right! Generation M! Harvard Business School! Sustainably shared prosperity! Apparently, 3 years at upper-class day camp gives this guy the tremendous perspective that there are things wrong with this world.

Wake up call: You go to Harvard. You go to Business School. You are what is wrong with this world. No one wants to be associated with the criminal excesses you partake in, your fucked-up money first mentality, your undeserved smugness, or your idiotic jingoism that thinly covers your predatory behavior. No matter your age or ‘perspective’, no one with common sense or decency wants to be lectured by an over-privileged MBA-getting dipshit. Do the rest of us a favor and confine yourself to Goldman Sachs and the Wall Street Journal.

PS. You make Thomas Friedman seem intelligent.


Matt Taibbi On Henry Paulson

Oh boy, Matt Taibbi makes me feel goooood:

Can you imagine what a craven, bumlicking ass-goblin you’d have to be to get a job working for the Wall Street Journal, not mention up front that you used to be a Goldman, Sachs managing director, and then write a lengthy article calling your former boss a “national hero” — in the middle of a sweeping financial crisis, one in which half the world is in a panic and the unemployment rate just hit a 25-year high? Behavior like this, you usually don’t see it outside prison trusties who spend their evenings shining the guards’ boots. I can’t even think of a political press secretary who would sink that low. Hank Paulson, a hero? Are you fucking kidding us?

… Or maybe it was Paulson’s foresight in heading off the crisis before it happened that inspired you? Maybe it was the way Paulson pronounced the subprime fallout “contained” in 2007 and called the economy the “strongest in decades?” Or maybe it was the way he remained calm last July, saying that it was a “very manageable situation” and “our regulators are on top of it?” Remember how he said all that shit, Evan, just about six weeks before the world exploded? Remember that Henry Paulson was actually in charge of regulating the financial environment during the last years of the crisis and did nothing as his buddies on Wall Street built one gigantic mountain of leverage after another, gashing underwriting standards across the board, saddling the country with a generation of toxic assets that all of the rest of us will be paying for in taxes (instead of, for instance, a health care program, which we can now no longer afford) for the next fifty fucking years? Do you remember that part?

Or was it his non-intervention last summer when gas prices hit $4.50 a gallon thanks again to his old buddies at Goldman and Morgan Stanley, who juiced the commodities market with so much speculative cash that oil prices soared despite the fact that supply was up and demand was down all year? Do you remember that part? How about the way food prices soared thanks to the same commodities speculators? According to the World Food Program at the UN, about 100 million people joined the ranks of the hungry last year during the commodities spike.

Read the whole thing though. Hank Paulson scumbaggy-ness is not competely captured by the above.

See Also: Taibbi v Goldman Redux, We’re in Deep State, It’s Goldman Sachs’ Party And They’ll Profit If They Want To, and Taibbi vs. Goldman.


Design Ho!

As previously mentioned, we’ve been going through a series of changes in our design. These changes should:

a) Make the site easier to use.
b) Eliminate those annoying audio/virus hijack ads.
c) Minimize load time.

How has everyones experience been so far?

PBH Admins


Even Fox News Hates Sarah Palin

Fox News, once the Kristol/Krauthammer central of Palin cheerleading, is angry at the self-centered idiocy that has become Sarah Palin (which makes on think they are all too aware of coming scandals involving Ms. Palin):

“Sarah Palin is inarticulate and under-educated… who really has no credentials for any job.”

Full Transcript of Liz Trotta’s piece on Fox News:

Liz Trotta: It’s very easy to say that the liberal media is caving in on her, and yes, they are; but she has given them a lot of raw meat. The woman is inarticulate, undereducated, and I pose this question: ‘What do you think William F. Buckley would have thought of her as the standard-bearer for the conservative party?’

I think a lot of this criticism is well-deserved.

…This is one of the rare cases where I think all the liberal stylists like Maureen Dowd, Gail Collins, and the rest of them really have a case. I mean, she just begs for adjectives like flaky and wacky.

…[Maureen Dowd’s column] was a well written, funny piece. And, you know, there’s one other element here, and I think most writers are afraid to bring it up. They sort of skirt the idea that this is a woman who has used her good looks and her gender to really get ahead in the political world. That’s something, of course, the men don’t want to admit, and certainly not the women.

So what are we talking about here? We’re not talking about a great statesman of profound experience whose banner is integrity. We’re talking about somebody who, right from the get-go, has been a flashy person who gets into a lot of trouble and really has no credentials for any job.


The Design Changes

Dear PBH Readers,

What do you guys think of the design changes? We are going to scrap our current design in the coming months and do everything from scratch, but for now, would like to know how everyone is liking the new changes (mostly, related posts segment on single posts, the 3 column appearance, etc.)

Or in the words of Lucy, “He better call me before he comes over, so I can shave my choca. Or if he likes it hairy, leave it hairy, or give it a little crew cut if he likes.”

PBH Admins


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