One Nation Under Gun?

Jesus Guns

As if the gun debate weren’t enough of a hassle as it is–can you imagine if there were a passage in the Bible that could have been twisted into a pro-gun argument?


The Best Clarence Thomas Quote Of All Time

Best Clarence Thomas Quote Of All Time

The Bush I-appointed justice: a true master of word economy.


The True Cost Of The War In Iraq

Iraq War Cost

Dubya characteristically low-balled the cost of his lame duck war. Like most other things involved with his administration, we’ll be paying for their decisions for decades.


If Bertrand Russell Saw CPAC…

Bertrand Russell CPAC

Somehow I don’t think he would waste any breath on Sarah Palin, though.


The Feminist Cause For Raising Minimum Wage

Minimum Wage Increase

Despite comprising the majority of the work force and those pursuing a college degree, the disparity in income between men and women is staggering. If we claim to be an equal society, it’s time that changed.


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