What Ted Cruz Doesn’t Understand About “Green Eggs And Ham”

Ted Cruz

The Article: by Matthew Yglesias in Slate.

The Text: As part of his fake filibuster today, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) read aloud the text of Dr. Seuss’s book Green Eggs and Ham. It’s a strange choice of author for a conservative senator. Admittedly, Green Eggs and Ham lacks the overt left-wing politics of a Butter Battle Book or The Lorax but this is still a progressive book. In broad strokes, it’s a book advocating openness to experience—one of the key moral dimensions on which liberals and conservatives differ.

In the specific context of the health care debate, though, I’m reminded of Nancy Pelosi’s much-mocked remark that “We have to pass the bill so that you can find our what is in it.”

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As Incomes Remain Stagnant, “Micro” Homes Are On The Rise

Via PBS: While more and more people are living alone, the costs of rent and real estate are soaring. So cities like New York and Vancouver are trying to get the most out of some of the apartment space they do have, by creating “micro” apartments. Many of these apartments are smaller than what was previously allowed under the law.


Obama’s Foreign Policy In A Nutshell

Obama Foreign Policy

The problem is that, unlike winds, decisions carry incredible weight.


Quit Whining About Obamacare


The Article: Quit Whining About Obamacare by Bill Boyarsky in TruthDig.

The Text: Amid the whining about Obamacare, women, men and children are signing up for what will be a transformation in health care and, to some extent, American society.

There are many complaints about the law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Unions say it threatens their health care plans. Republicans charge it will bankrupt the nation. Consumers worry about a doctor shortage. Advocates of a stronger federal health insurance plan accuse President Barack Obama of surrendering to the insurance companies.

The nation, of course, would have experienced a much bigger transformation if Obama had approved the only plan that would have truly cured the country’s sick health care system—Medicare for all. That would have extended to everyone the benefits that are now available to those 65 and older.

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Barney Frank Shreds “Struggling” Bank Hypocrisy

As the entire “Meet The Press” panel converted into pinstriped Wall Street apologists, former congressman Barney Frank asks an incredibly apt question: if banks are struggling so much, why do bankers still pay themselves an exorbitant sum of money? As you might imagine, silence ensues.


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