It’s Time To Re-Think How “Easy” Teachers Have It

Teacher Facts

Respecting a teacher doesn’t mean handing them a loaded gun.


Are Suburbs Killing The American Dream?


The Article: Are the Suburbs Where the American Dream Goes to Die? by Matthew O’Brien in The Atlantic.

The Text: Rumors of the American Dream’s demise have been greatly exaggerated — at least in parts of America.

That’s the message of a new study that looks at the connection between geography and social mobility in the United States. It turns out modern-day Horatio Algers have just as much a chance in much of the country as they do anywhere else in the world today. But if you want to move up, don’t move to the South. As you can see in the chart below from David Leonhardt’s write-up in the New York Times, the American Dream is on life support below the Mason Dixon line.

Inequality Geography

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62 Years Of Climate Change In 13 Seconds

All images come from NASA. You might notice that temperature increases accelerate in the 1970s; that’s around when greenhouse gas emissions from energy production increased worldwide and clean air laws reduced emissions of pollutants that had a cooling effect on the climate, and thus were masking some of the global warming signal.

While yet another fact-based video demonstrating climate change’s existence won’t change your mind if you still think that climate change is a liberal, “lame stream” media hoax, it should cause you to question why your maker might cause such a fluctuation in temperatures and weather patterns over “nothing”.


The Truth About Walmart Wages

Walmart Minimum Wage

Yes, but these are savvy shoppers who hone in on a deal like a Texas conservative to an anti-abortion bill. A 1.1% increase in price would mean that instead of paying $10 pre-tax for season one of “Seventh Heaven,” they’d pay…$10.11.

(And help hardworking Walmart employees live with dignity and support themselves instead of resorting to the government teat for aid.)

The horror!


No, GOP, You Can’t Win Over Millennials With GIFs

Millennial GOP

The Article: Why the GOP can’t win millennials with GIFs by Alex Seitz-Wald in Salon.

The Text: The Heritage Foundation’s GIF-tastic listicle on BuzzFeed explaining why young people should hate Obamacare is coming in for mocking, thanks to its heavy-handed attempt to appeal to the youths much like, Tommy Christopher quips, “a narc walking around a frat party asking ‘fellow young people, where can I obtain an enjoyable reefer cigarette.’”

The post is actually kind of funny and nails the BuzzFeed style. And it was probably even made by a real live young person, since Heritage has enough of them around to necessitate having a dorm next door for its interns. But just as a narc would still be a narc even if he blended in perfectly with the stoners, Heritage’s message on Obamacare will never sell to young people as long as Obamacare helps young people. Just as with the social conservative plan to “make abortion funny,” the medium only goes so far if the message is wrong.

It’s easy to see why conservatives need to enlist the youth in their fight against Obamcare. The fate of the law is dependent upon enough young adults enrolling in insurance programs to keep the costs down for everyone else. Since they’re cheaper to insure, young and healthy people effectively subsidize older and sick people. If lots of young people leave the pool, premiums will go up, pushing more young people out, thus raising premiums once again, and so on in a premium “death spiral.”

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