Obama Did It

Obama Did It

I still blame Obama for the premature death of Rob Stark.


13 Mindblowing Facts About America’s Tax-Dodging Corporations

Corporation Facts

The Article: 13 Mindblowing Facts About America’s Tax-Dodging Corporations by Richard Eskow in AlterNet.

The Text: A judicious writer avoids adjectives like “mindblowing,” especially when covering political or economic issues. But no other word seems to describe the stunning reality of corporate taxation in modern America, which cries out for the italics-heavy, exclamation-point-driven format made famous by Ripley’s Believe It or Not.

Stylistic overkill? Read these thirteen facts and you may change your mind.

1. We’re told we can’t “afford” full Social Security benefits, even though closing corporate tax-haven loopholes would pay for Obama’s “chained CPI” benefit cut more than ten times over!

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Wiretap Jesus

He contacts shady characters abroad. He knows all about the Middle East. He wants to be a martyr and if able to do so, would likely try to destroy our banking system. This cannot stand.


Bernie Sanders On What We Can Learn From Denmark

What We Can Learn From Denmark

The Article: What Can We Learn From Denmark? by Bernie Sanders in The Huffington Post.

The Text: Danish Ambassador Peter Taksoe-Jensen spent a weekend in Vermont this month traveling with me to town meetings in Burlington, Brattleboro and Montpelier. Large crowds came out to learn about a social system very different from our own which provides extraordinary security and opportunity for the people of Denmark.

Today in the United States there is a massive amount of economic anxiety. Unemployment is much too high, wages and income are too low, millions of Americans are struggling to find affordable health care and the gap between the very rich and everyone else is growing wider.

While young working families search desperately for affordable child care, older Americans worry about how they can retire with dignity. Many of our people are physically exhausted as they work the longest hours of any industrialized country and have far less paid vacation time than other major countries.

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Support The iNotRacist Kickstarter Today

At a time when the word racist is being tossed around regarding people who wished that black people would dress as plantation slaves and tap dance, prove to your friends that you are not among their ranks with the new app iNotRacist. And if you don’t download it, well, you’re racist.


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