The US Doesn’t Care About Health, It Cares About Disease Management


The Article: U.S. manages disease, not health by Andrew Weil in CNN Online.

The Text: The most insistent political question of the past four years has been: How can more Americans get access to medical care?

The federal response was the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Better known as “Obamacare,” it is a complex mix of insurance changes and tax credits. When the act takes effect on January 1, 2014, it will provide access to insurance to about 30 million people who currently don’t have it.

Unfortunately, that was the wrong question. So the looming “answer” is wrong as well.

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The Jesus Budget

GOP favorites tout Jesus H. Christ for his social teachings; here’s their alternate-universe interpretation of the socialist from Nazareth.


Roger Ebert’s 10 Snarkiest Quotes

The longtime film critic left this earth yesterday, but his masterful invective remains with us always. Here are ten quotes of Ebert at his finest:

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Department Of Homeland Security, It’s Time We Had A Talk

Department of Homeland Security

The Article: 1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security? It’s Time For A National Conversation by Ralph Benko in Forbes.

The Text: The Denver Post, on February 15th, ran an Associated Press article entitled Homeland Security aims to buy 1.6b rounds of ammo, so far to little notice. It confirmed that the Department of Homeland Security has issued an open purchase order for 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition. As reported elsewhere, some of this purchase order is for hollow-point rounds, forbidden by international law for use in war, along with a frightening amount specialized for snipers. Also reported elsewhere, at the height of the Iraq War the Army was expending less than 6 million rounds a month. Therefore 1.6 billion rounds would be enough to sustain a hot war for 20+ years. In America.

Add to this perplexing outré purchase of ammo, DHS now is showing off its acquisition of heavily armored personnel carriers, repatriated from the Iraqi and Afghani theaters of operation. As observed by “paramilblogger” Ken Jorgustin last September:

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Libertarian Vacation Celebration!

Screw public beaches; Somalia’s unregulated coast is where Spring Break is AT.


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