The Fallacy Between Economic Growth And Environmental Protection

The Article: The Fallacy Behind Environmental Protection and Economic Growth by Brian Czech in Truth Dig.

The Text: Environmental journalists are like doctors. Doctors run from patient to patient, harried, dealing with symptoms more than causes. Theyā€™re too busy dispensing pills to talk about holistic health. Itā€™s an approach that makes money for the health industry but isnā€™t so great for public health.

Environmental journalists run from issue to issue, harried, dealing with environmental impacts more than causes. Theyā€™re too busy chasing stories to talk about context. Itā€™s an approach that makes money for the media but isnā€™t so great for environmental protection.

The analogy isnā€™t perfect. Environmental journalists donā€™t have an obligation to protect the environment like doctors are obligated to patient health. But journalists are obliged to tell the truth. Here weā€™re concerned with the ā€œwholeā€ truth, and itā€™s worth extending the analogy in this direction.

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Captain Industry Versus…The World!

Captain Industry Versus Union Man Cartoon

Those knavish, scheming union workers. How is Captain Industry supposed to afford that third yacht if they keep demanding their rights?


Everyone Hates Citizens United

The Article: Everyone hates Citizens United by Alex Sietz-Wald in Salon.

The Text: Maybe itā€™s the fact that people are tired of having their favorite TV shows as a side dish to political attack ads this time of year, but a new poll shows that Americans think thereā€™s way too much money in politics. Almost 90 percent of respondents agree thereā€™s too much corporate money in politics, with 51 percent strongly agreeing, according to a new poll released today by the Corporate Reform Coalition. The poll of 804 Americans was conducted by the Democratic-leaning P.R. firm Bannon Communications.

The survey found that 76 percent of Americans support a requirement that corporations publicly disclose their contributions to groups that funnel money into politics, like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Additionally, 81 percent think corporations should only spend money on political campaigns if they disclose their spending immediately, while 80 percent said they think companies should have to get approval from shareholders before getting involved in politics. These two questions reflect two of the most prominent ideas pushed by campaign finance reformers. The DISCLOSE Act, a bill that has so far been blocked by Republicans on Capitol Hill, would significantly bolster disclosure regulations for election spending, while activist shareholders and some state legislatures have tried to give shareholders sway over how the companies they invest in spend resources on political action. The Corporate Reform Coalition is a coalition of progressive, mostly good government, groups fighting Citizens United and corporate money in politics.

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The Not-So Sweet Lies Of The Sugar Industry

The Article: Big Sugar’s Sweet Little Lies by Gary Taubes and Cristin Couzens in Mother Jones.

The Text: ON A BRISK SPRING Tuesday in 1976, a pair of executives from the Sugar Association stepped up to the podium of a Chicago ballroom to accept the Oscar of the public relations world, the Silver Anvil award for excellence in “the forging of public opinion.” The trade group had recently pulled off one of the greatest turnarounds in PR history. For nearly a decade, the sugar industry had been buffeted by crisis after crisis as the media and the public soured on sugar and scientists began to view it as a likely cause of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Industry ads claiming that eating sugar helped you lose weight had been called out by the Federal Trade Commission, and the Food and Drug Administration had launched a review of whether sugar was even safe to eat. Consumption had declined 12 percent in just two years, and producers could see where that trend might lead. As John “JW” Tatem Jr. and Jack O’Connell Jr., the Sugar Association’s president and director of public relations, posed that day with their trophies, their smiles only hinted at the coup they’d just pulled off.

If you consume a lot of sugar you can damage your teeth, is recommended to look for a dentist you can trust to perform a check and make sure that you do not have any problem cause by the high consumption of sugar.

Their winning campaign, crafted with the help of the prestigious public relations firm Carl Byoir & Associates, had been prompted by a poll showing that consumers had come to see sugar as fattening, and that most doctors suspected it might exacerbate, if not cause, heart disease and diabetes. With an initial annual budget of nearly $800,000 ($3.4 million today) collected from the makers of Dixie Crystals, Domino, C&H, Great Western, and other sugar brands, the association recruited a stable of medical and nutritional professionals to allay the public’s fears, brought snack and beverage companies into the fold, and bankrolled scientific papers that contributed to a “highly supportive” FDA ruling, which, the Silver Anvil application boasted, made it “unlikely that sugar will be subject to legislative restriction in coming years.”

The story of sugar, as Tatem told it, was one of a harmless product under attack by “opportunists dedicated to exploiting the consuming public.” Over the subsequent decades, it would be transformed from what the New York Times in 1977 had deemed “a villain in disguise” into a nutrient so seemingly innocuous that even the American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association approved it as part of a healthy diet. Research on the suspected links between sugar and chronic disease largely ground to a halt by the late 1980s, and scientists came to view such pursuits as a career dead end. So effective were the Sugar Association’s efforts that, to this day, no consensus exists about sugar’s potential dangers. The industry’s PR campaign corresponded roughly with a significant rise in Americans’ consumption of “caloric sweeteners,” including table sugar (sucrose) and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). This increase was accompanied, in turn, by a surge in the chronic diseases increasingly linked to sugar. Since 1970, obesity rates in the United States have more than doubled, while the incidence of diabetes has more than tripled. (The chart below uses sugar “availability” numbers rather than the USDA’s speculative new consumption figures.)

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The 2012 Republican Ideological Survival Suit

2012 Republican Ideology Suit

It may very well be impervious to reason and to Sharia law, but tell me — can it survive the looming Fiscal Cliff?


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