The New Face Of “Job Benefits”

Medicaid Food Stamps Benefits

Chump change wages can only get you so far: when minimum wage workers seek Medicaid or food stamps, US taxpayers are effectively subsidizing private employers like Walmart and McDonalds.


Introducing Operation C.I. Gay

C.I. Gay

In case you missed it, this god awful spate of extreme weather isn’t the result of anthropomorphic climate change but lewd, gay sin. So why not use divine retribution in a strategic manner to win the War On Terror?

C.I. Gay Training

C.I. Gay Rains Hurricane

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Thoughtless Valentines For Your Not-So Loved One

Thoughtless Valentines Phones

Everyone has that certain someone–or series of someones–who they don’t date because they actually like them, but because they dislike being alone more. For that not-so special someone, Matt Bors has the thoughtless valentines just for you. Half-assed Valentine’s Day dilemmas solved!

Thoughtless Valentines Huckabee

Thoughtless Valentines This Won't Last


On President Obama’s Awful, Outlandish Power Grabs

Presidential Power Grabs

Just sayin’, guys. Just sayin’.


Vladimir Putin’s New Tattoo

Putin Tattoo

As we’ve shown you before, Vladdy’s wardrobe would make Liberace blush. Why not add a naughty little tat to his flamboyant vêtements?


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