How A Draft Could Make Us More Peaceful

Think about it: if the possibility of going to war is a legal reality, chances are you’ll work toward limiting it.


Jimmy Carter, Also Surveilled By The US Government

Because, you know, you can never trust the intentions of 89 year old, benign former presidents.


Libertarians: Conservatives’ Annoying, Attention-Seeking Little Brothers

Everything conservatives do, libertarians want to do better.


Mitch McConnell Appears In The Shining

Even though the turtle-like senator basically ruined #Mcconnelling by publicly embracing it as “amusing”, the videos keep being churned out. For comparison’s sake, here’s the original. It’s also creepy as hell but made worse because it’s not by Kubrick:


New GOP Family Planning Tool Can Spot Predisposition For Empathy

If you want your kids to grow up believing in personal responsibility, free markets that have the right to make a profit at the expense of humanity, a strong national defense that will stand up for unnecessary wars and traditional values, “PlanGOP” is just what you need to start your family off on the RIGHT track.


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