
An ad released today by the Obama campaign in response to John McCain not knowing how many houses he has.


The Hillary Clinton Campaign

What are you going to do? Bleed on me?


I’m Not Sure America Is Ready For A Smart President

Remember: We don’t deserve a leader that treats us like adults.


Secret Muslims Are Preying On Your Children

Interestingly, I used to work with Hussein at my old organization in DC (extra stalker points to anyone who figures out the organization!).

See Also: Episode 364 Linkcap Recap, My friend Hussein, Arab-American activist lies about a rising tide of bigotry, One of Obama’s Real Problems: Jeremiah Wright, How The NYT Whitewashed Obama’s Pastor, Barack Obama Watch, smears working? 13 percent of voters believe obama is a muslim, WSJ Catches Obama in Lies, and OBAMA’S MONEY TALKS.

[tags]hussein ibish, colbert report, barack obama, muslim, islam[/tags]



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