Ricky Gervais’s Racist Test

Think you might be an accidental racist? Answer Ricky Gervais’s questions above and see if you fall a little beyond Hitler.


A Handy Guide To Immigration Reform

Don’t have time to read the bill? Don’t want to, like most people in Congress? Regardless of your situation, take a minute to grasp the basic points lest your life’s ambition is to be fodder for late night TV’s latest reel on dumb Americans.


Education And Student Loan Debt = The End Of Disaster Capitalism

Henry Rollins: “[Students] basically did that exercise where you fall backwards and you workmates catch you. They jumped out of the 40th floor window with that student loan and America went that looks like that hurt. Suck it up Caroline. Get a job. Don’t be a leech.”


How The New Ohio Budget Affects Your Vagina

Painful, invasive and undue burdens placed on a woman for the sake of the state budget? Agreed upon in secret and without disclosing the bill’s controversial parts to the public? That’s democracy in action…right?


Steve Jobs VS. Bill Gates Rap Battle

I haven’t seen two white guys this angry since Fear Factor went off the air.


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