A semi-personal update, ETC.

Well, fuck, I am devoid of creativity. The other blogs on this site that I run are devouring my attention — Word of the Day, the Mao blog, and Government Employee — and making me lack attention to this one.

Currently I am planning a trip to Europe. It is in a week and I am not that excited, to be honest. But, so it goes.

I have spent the last few weekends in DC and NYC. My past year has been very interesting in terms of places traveled: Washington DC, New York City, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Richmond, Chicago, Virginia Beach, Charlottesville, Los Angeles, Bucharest, Rome, Venice, Florence. Lots of photos can be had here.

I have also been working on revamping WPP. I have added journal entries, edited previous entries, edited links, and added new entries.

Other stuff: I am playing tennis a lot. I have a girlfriend: she was the owner of the hamster known as Mao, he is now located in her freezer, she is cool, and contributes. I am splurging at bars. I am enjoying Adams Morgan. I am looking for a place with a couple of friends. And else than that, life keeps on chugging.


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