Animal Collective

Chances are you’ve heard of Animal Collective and sneered at them through your mish-mash of ill-fitting clothing, since hipsters hating hipsters is the latest hipster trend. Animal Collective is a band originally from Baltimore, Maryland, currently based in New York City, Brooklyn, Hipsterville. However, they have quite the sound and you should listen to them (just keep it from your friends):

Since you probably struggle with complex sounds, you should start off with Merriweather Post Pavilion. It’s a sweet album that won’t rock you too hard.


[tags]hipsters, hipsterville, animal collective, artist of the day, band, music videos, sweet brah[/tags]


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  1. […] I was listening to Animal Collective during this […]

  2. anon says:

    jeez, this music is fucking terrible.

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