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Tony Blair Ripped Me Off (with a dime bag)

Robert at PubliusPundit has a great post detailing his travels in the Ukraine and some time spent in a tent camp in the capitol of Kiev. Unfortunately, Ukraine has experienced less progress then what was expected following the Orange Revolution. Most of this stems from infighting between the coalition and Russia (and on an interesting side note, I came across the Russophobe, which immediately caught my attention with an entry about sex and blowjobs).

If you ever take your computer to Best Buy, you’re probably asking for this to happen to you. One hundred dollars an hour to run virus scan, please, and it’ll probably be done by someone who looks like Tony Blair as a teenager (and how cute is Kim Jong! precious.)

I’m not the biggest fan of Keith Olbermann, but I am a fan of his bitch slapping of Donald Rumsfeld. I think one thing we can all united around (if it’s not our hatred for Bill O’Reilly), it’s our disgust for ol’ Rummy. Apparently I’m not the only one who thinks that being touched by the Bush administration is like the cold, icy touch of the Reaper claiming vengeance.

In the semi-serious somber footnote, check out OneVoice’s blog, where they talk about the recent struggles in the Israeli / Palestinian crisis. In their own words:

Ultimately, it is essential for Palestinians and Israelis to realize that they have a shared destiny and that they cannot let anyone hijack it. Moderate Palestinians and Israelis must strike an alliance against violent extremism before this solvable conflict becomes truly intractable if it is transformed by outsiders into a global religious struggle.

And in the joke of the day, “Previewing the final quarter of Bush’s presidency, officials disclosed to TIME that the Administration is formulating a huge energy initiative designed to “change the whole nature of the discussion” and challenge the G.O.P., Democrats, the oil and electricity industries, and environmentalists. An adviser said Bush’s views about global warming have evolved. “Only Nixon could go to China, and only Bush and Cheney—two oilmen—can bring all these parties kicking and screaming to the table,” the adviser said.” Sorry guys, Bush’s views about global warming aren’t ‘evolved’, they’re created. And that’s a lifetime of creation and decision, so don’t think about bringing up ‘facts’.


One McSausage At A Time

You see the domain, and you think ‘One data time?’. This could be interesting… about DATA even. But you’re wrong. It’s not one data time, it’s one d at a time, and the d stands for dick. Yes, there are even blogs about sucking dick now. How much you want to bet it’ll be on the worst book of all time list (according to conservatives)?

In more depressing news, half of Americans still believe in WMD’s — they saw them on TV:

A recent Harris Poll reports found that while “the U.S. and other countries have not found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, surprisingly more U.S. adults (50%) think that Iraq had such weapons when the U.S. invaded Iraq. This is an increase from 36 percent in February 2005.”

Also, check out what a good showing on Reddit did for a new blog. And, in case you didn’t know, McDonald’s employees are not not doing anything to your food.


OMG, a blog roundup (the pleasure is all yours)

Do you want to see Georgey give the German prime minister a back massage (and not enjoy it one bit?) Of course you do, because it’s creepy, and nothing is better than a head of state freaking out after being touched by the President of the US. The back massage may be as effective as Ralph Nader sending a letter to the President on the Lebanese crisis.

If you want to check out an amazing travel diary, see the NYTimes ‘Frugal Traveler’, which is updated approximately each week. It’s almost as good as being a domesticated hippie, clogging up the arteries of America with your slightly above average taste and wireless internet connections.

In the weird, what the fuck story of the day, THIS GIRL WAS RAISED BY DOGS. And she isn’t even in a freak show yet.

Is it Friday? Yes, yes it is. Just remember to blog and keep your job.


Contagious Stupidity

In the haha stupid item of the day, a man at a pro-life blog mistook an Onion article for a real piece about abortion. There is nothing funnier than a man lecturing a make believe woman who details her love for abortion. Or, thereafter, receiving tons of death threats or insults for their stupidity.

Job? Fuck it! Rationality about the increasing Middle East conflict? Fuck it! Fat Joe: Bitches and Hoes!


Ironed Breasts Blog Roundup

In the weird, ‘what the fuck’ news of the day, one in four girls in Cameroon are having their breasts ‘ironed’. It is done by parents worried about rape and sexual harassment. Think about that. Rape and sexual harassment have become such a problem that people are ironing their breasts to be less attractive.

Bligbi lists the top 10 reasons gay marriage will ruin society. I’ll give you a taste with my favorite: “Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.”

And in the Wikipedia entry of the day, have you heard of Godwin’s Law? The basic posit is that the longer a political discussion goes on, the more likely there is to be a comparison to Nazi’s. This is true, because if you don’t agree with me, you’re probably doing something exactly like the Nazi’s.

Speaking of Nazi’s, the Consumerist got their hands on some AOL internal memos following the customer service fiasco. Consumerist also speaks of how customer service representatives at AOL are forced to retain seventy percent of the members that call them if they want to keep their job. So, if you want to cancel your account, prepare to listen to infinite amount of reasons not to and then being hung up on.

Some of us are having trouble containing our happiness, even in the mainstream media, after Mr. Ken Lay went to eternal sleep. Also: Fuck Joe Lieberman (still).


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