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Oh Sarah, It’s Good To Have You Back

Oh Sarah, I was so worried about you… about us. You see, you gave us our best month ever in October. We spent an entire month insulting your ever-present stupidity, the constant accessorizing of your retard baby, your victimhood complex, and above all, the sheer force of your media-obsessed narcissism colliding with your ability to routinely embarrass yourself everytime you opened your mouth.

And so when you resigned last week, I thought to myself “That’s it, Prose Before Hos is dead”. But I was wrong. You are so firmly committed to being a self-centered, egotistical jackal that you will do anything to get attention. While I feel sorry for Alaska (sort of), I am happy to see you insert yourself onto my cathode-ray tube in another vain attempt to make America all about Sarah Palin — a full 9 months after the elections should have made you irrelevant.

You are America’s ho, Sarah Palin, and I’d have it no other way.

See Also: “Politically, If I Die, I Die”, Malkin Award Nominee, God and Sarah Palin, “Pals Around With Terrorists”: Palin Wasn’t That Rogue, After All, If Palin Were President Now, Sarah Palin: Right Wing Savior or Grifter?, Huffington Post Palin Attack again, The Fall, Bumper sticker of the times, The “Crucifixion” of Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin and the Scum of the Earth, Palin is Still Active in the Media, Sarah Palin is still an idiot, Your Future, and Sarah Palin Giant Slayer.

[tags]sarah palin, sara palin, sarah palen, ho of the week, america’s ho, self-obsessed jackal, egotistical nutcase, narcissistic, resignation, media-driven, money driven[/tags]


So This Is What Transparency Tastes Like!

This weeks Ho of the Week is Barack Obama for doing his best George W. impression by working with Senator Joe “I maintain my life force by eating Palestinian babies” Lieberman and Senator Lindsey “I would still own slaves if they weren’t so damn expensive” Graham to pass The Detainee Photographic Records Protection Act of 2009.

The Detainee Photographic Records Protection Act of 2009 will allow Obama or the Secretary of Defense to suppress any pictures during the War on Terrah (September 11, 2001 – January 22, 2009), even if the Freedom of Information Act requires the photographs be released. The only condition is that they are judged to be detrimental to American interests (civilian or military), with no ability to review the judgment. As Greenwald summarizes:

Obama wants Congress to change FOIA by retroactively narrowing its disclosure requirements, prevent a legal ruling by the courts, and vest himself with brand new secrecy powers under the law which, just as a factual matter, not even George Bush sought for himself. The Senate passed the bill as an amendment last week.

… The act literally has no purpose other than to allow the government to suppress any “photograph taken between September 11, 2001 and January 22, 2009 relating to the treatment of individuals engaged, captured, or detained after September 11, 2001, by the Armed Forces of the United States in operations outside of the United States.” As long as the Defense Secretary certifies — with no review possible — that disclosure would “endanger” American citizens or our troops, then the photographs can be suppressed even if FOIA requires disclosure. The certification lasts 3 years and can be renewed indefinitely.

What kind of a country passes a law that has no purpose other than to empower its leader to suppress evidence of the torture it inflicted on people?

Changing the ‘hearts and minds’ of the Middle East, one electrocuted testicle at a time!

Update: The bill was unanimously passed in the Senate last Friday and will not be voted on by the house because it was added on by Committee (meaning it will become law without a vote). [Source]

See Also: The Illusion Of Transparency, Torture: Obama, you can do better than that, Obama’s support for the new Graham-Lieberman secrecy law, Obama’s support for the new Graham-Lieberman secrecy law, Looking so long for these pictures of you, Death of the Republic, Part CLXVIII, What to do with the detainee photos?, Washington vs. The Rule of Law, Transparency flip-flop on detainee photos, U.S. plans appeal on abuse photos, and The Torture Photos: Obama’s Six-Step Sidestep.

[tags]barack obama, ho of the week, joe lieberman, lindsay graham, Detainee Photographic Records Protection Act of 2009, freedom of information act, FOIA, senate bill, release of torture photos, photographs, department of defense, this change is pathetic and mediocre, did bill clinton morph into that amiable black guy who lives in the white house?[/tags]


Just Like In Iran, Gays Are Made Up Or Invisible

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) is our ho of the week for saying that the killing of Matthew Shepard was a hoax:

“I also would like to point out that there was a bill — the hate crimes bill that’s called the Matthew Shepard bill is named after a very unfortunate incident that happened where a young man was killed, but we know that that young man was killed in the commitment of a robbery. It wasn’t because he was gay. This — the bill was named for him, hate crimes bill was named for him, but it’s really a hoax that that continues to be used as an excuse for passing these bills”

In contrast to the reports by numerous media agencies, including the New York Times:

According to the local police and prosecutors, the two men lured Mr. Shepard out of a bar by saying they were gay. Then, the Laramie police say, the pair kidnapped Mr. Shepard, pistol-whipped him with a .357 Magnum, and left him tied to a ranch fence for 18 hours until a passing bicyclist spotted Mr. Shepard, who was unconscious.

See Also: Who Would Murder Someone In Cold Blood For Being Different?, Judy Shepard: that was no apology, Virginia Foxx, The ‘Conscience Of The Congress’ Helps HR 1913 Pass, Why Virginia Foxx’s non-apology for smearing Matthew Shepard isn’t enough, Out of Line and Out of Bounds, Why Attack Gays? Killer: They Are Easy Targets, Ignorant, hateful, and insensitive is no way to go through life, ma’am…., and Virginia Foxx Issues Second Non-Apology.

[tags]Virginia Foxx, representative foxx, republican representative, speech on house floor, matthew shepard, matthew sheperd, matthew sheppard, republican representative virginia foxx, north carolina, homophobic, homosexual, hate crimes bill, speech, matthew shepards murder was a hoax, made up, gay agenda, homosexual gays, hate crime legislation[/tags]


Child Pornography!

North Dakota has decided that they don’t mind being considered a backwards retard state by the rest of us, and is considering passing a law saying that fertilized eggs should be considered persons. This is supposed to make abortion illegal. Of course due to Roe v. Wade, this law is unconstitutional, but what the heck, might as well try anyways right? Well no one really thought it through (big surprise) and so now it turns out that if it passes sonograms might be considered child pornography, and that any miscarriage may be negligent homicide. Congratulations ND State Rep. Dan Ruby, you are PBH’s Ho of the Week!


Proposition 8: No, thank you

We here at Prose Before Hos editorial staff want to join with fellow bloggers in denouncing California’s Proposition 8, and supporting our gay brothers and sisters fight for equal rights. We categorically believe that a motion to deny gays the right to marriage is a direct violation of civil rights provided by the Constitution. Further, in time of great economic and diplomatic distress, it is both a fundamental waste of time and resources to lobby such a campaign when so much more imperils our nation.

As the battle enters its final weekend, the budget tally is astonishing: $67 million dollars in donation have poured from all over the country into California for the vote on Prop 8. Religion has taken on an interesting dynamic in the race as Mormons figure to account for between 40 to 70 percent of all donations to the Yes cause. Here is an interesting excerpt:

Those words speak for Michele Sundstrom, 47, of San Jose, who has been married for 18 years and has five children.

She and her husband gave $30,000 to the Yes on 8 campaign and put a sign on their home. But in response, two women parked an SUV in front of their home, with the words “Bigots live here” painted on the windshield.

Sundstrom believes such responses must come from deep places of pain – and that gays and lesbians are entitled to the same rights as heterosexuals, just not the word marriage. Any animosity toward gays or lesbians is wrong, she said.

“There must be such deep, deep, deep hurt; otherwise there couldn’t be so much opposition,” she said. “They’ve lived with this. I guess we’re getting a taste of where they live.”

Oddly enough two out of four of the latest news posts on the pro-Prop 8 website take a racial bent, my favorite being “NAACP Los Angeles President Alice Huffman Sells Out Black Families.” Perhaps selling families isn’t the best metaphor to use… or maybe it’s THE best?

The No on Prop 8 site mostly talks about people who are against Prop 8. I don’t know, but are people really swayed by whether or not Ugly Betty wants gay marriage?

While it seems as if young people would be the most open to this argument by authority style advertisement, young people have started shifting towards a Yes vote in recent days. And while Obama has energized the young liberal base in ways no politician has in recent years, he too is opposed to gay marriage, though for civil unions.

In any case, here is what Feministe recommends to help defeat this anti-gay legislation.


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