What Happened To Republicans?

What Happened To Republicans?

Just a bit of a decline, don’t you think?


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  2. TheReviewer says:

    I don’t know, I’m pretty sure Glenn Beck and Abe Lincoln have the same principles! /s

  3. god says:

    Kill Glenn Beck…it is my commandment.

  4. Aaron says:

    Quite the invidious comparison. Abe held the highest elected office in the land. Beck is just a conversative commentator, albeit a very wealthy and famous one. A better comparison would be a to have done some actual research and found a photograph or drawing/linotype of the most popular “conservative commentator” of the 1860s and put them side by side.

  5. Acompt says:

    Glenn Beck isn’t a republican he’s a Libertarian.

    • Aaron says:

      Acompt – don’t try to argue with the “PBH” guys – if you don’t nod you head and smile really broadly at this superficially funny visual your comment will disappear.

      • Kit says:

        We don’t moderate comments except to delete spam, though I have seen it where it takes a minute or two for the comment to actually show up. I’m trying to track down that problem, sorry if that affected you.

        • Aaron says:

          Actually it’s a browser refresh issue on my end. I appreciate your prompt explanation of your moderation policy and I sincerely retract my snark.

    • Kins says:

      Libertarians will tell you he’s not a libertarian.

    • Ron Paul 2012 says:

      Glenn Beck’s Secret:

      Glenn Beck is a Neocon (Not Libertarian):

      Glenn Beck is not a Republican. But, he is plant who is working against the true Republicans, as a saboteur. And, the sooner you realize that fact, the sooner you’ll answer your question.4U

      • Mike says:

        Couldn’t have said it better. wtg m8. There is a special place in hell for this guy – though the fact he’s going blind is pretty awesome divine justice.

    • Jeff says:

      Glenn Beck isn’t Republican or a Libertarian, he’s a parasite.

      • Ted says:

        Ha! Literally, he steals things from journalists that are more honest and sincere and makes money off their material while putting a spin on it to muddle the pathetically weak minded. – Just drink your diet coke, we’ll do all the work exposing this completely fake overpaid fat hog.

    • Tom says:

      No he isn’t! You obviously don’t know what a Libertarian is. Beck just likes the fiscal side of Libertarianism and the social side of the GOP. Libertarians are socially liberal fyi. They dont believe in limiting immigration and they’re against both of the wars.

    • TJ says:

      Not even a libertarian, just your run of the mill Conservative nut-job. Honest libertarians are about limited government not just in business, but in private lives as well. Beck and the like have no problem with the government enforcing their brand of “traditional family values”.

  6. Aaron says:

    Completely invidious comparison. A brilliant lawyer who ascended to the highest political office vs. a man whose only distinctions are fame and wealth from being a conservative *commentator*.
    A cheap shot at Beck who doesn’t deserve any special degree of respect anyway.
    How about doing some real research and finding the 1860s equivalent of Beck and posting *their* picture?

  7. blt says:

    The same thing could be said about Democrats. There are no statesman on either side any more.

  8. Anon says:

    Pretty sure most conservatives dislike Lincoln.

    • Tim or some shit says:

      Umm… what?

      • angrycon says:

        I’m assuming he’s one of the miracles of our generation that thinks all conservatives are racist. He’s a miracle because he’s so dumb but he’s able to feed himself and survive somehow; Darwin would shit a brick to meet him.

  9. Cyle Caplinger says:

    What happened is that your history got mixed up. Lincoln was a RINO, a liberal Republican back when they were liberal. It wasn’t until the turn of the century that the parties began to move in the direction they are today. So, what happened, was that Lincoln was actually a Democrat by today’s standards and your conservative comparison doesn’t make sense to begin with.

    • proud righty says:

      thats what happens with unionized teachers at our public schools. kids dont learn anything

      • ladym00s says:

        proud righty, you are a moron. What on earth would teachers being unionized have to do with anything? I’m sure plenty of kids know what the problem is with this graphic.
        I went to public school and was taught by unionized teachers. At least I know how to use apostrophes and capitalize properly.

        • xaturnascends says:


          What he means is that incentive is taken away from teachers when they unionize:
          – Once they receive tenure they have no fear of loosing their job for bad performance.

          – They do not have to continuously educate themselves.

          – They will recieve benefits and raises based on collective bargaining, not their own merits.

          – They are rated based on length of service, not their own merits.

          Where as, is it was performance rated:

          – They would get raises and benefits based on how well their students perform.

          – They would not have a tenure, if they perform badly, they could be replaced, if they perform well, they could be promoted based on merit, not on length of service or union ranking.

          – Public schooling would be more competitive because teachers would have goals to strive for. Kids would benefit because of these advances and only good teachers would be preserved.

          – Funding could be granted more responsibly instead of blanket state or federal grants for programs that do not work.

          —I can tell you went to public school, it’s a shame you’re teachers were unionized or you might have been able to make a better point.

          • proud righty says:

            and bingo was his name-o xaturnascends

            @ladymoos i hope EVERY kid knows what is wrong with this graphic considering its a comparison of a former president and a political commentator. i mean, you went to public school you say, so i think you can figure out this simple equation…

            if X = president and y = commentator than X = Y, right? show your work.

            and wow just wow. you sit there and pull the grammar/punctuation/capitalization card because your argument is weak and you are trying to make yourself seem more credible, yet look at the first word of your post…

            also you say “What on earth would teachers being unionized…” but i think you mean “Why on earth…” but hey its just grammar.

            i see we have another byproduct of public schooling

            • King of Gondor says:

              @proudly righty
              At least we both agree that the graph has many factual errors. Unfortunately and even a bit humorously your response is so hypocritical I am left speechless. I’m glad I can type this because if a verbal retort was required I’d be unable to provide you with one.

              ladymoos’s response was ad hominem. They attempted to focus our attention on the original posters lack of punctuation instead of their argument. A person’s ability to express their ideas grammatically correct has no relevance to the merit of those ideas. I’m quite sure I’ll have a few mistakes in this post but that does not lessen the value of what I say.

              After you say,
              “you sit there and pull the grammar/punctuation/capitalization card because your argument is weak and you are trying to make yourself seem more credible, yet look at the first word of your post…”
              you immediately follow that up with exactly what you criticized ladymoos for doing, “also you say “What on earth would teachers being unionized…” but i think you mean “Why on earth…” but hey its just grammar.”

              Your final statement is also fallacious. You criticize public schools but give no reason why they are bad. You don’t even reference other people reasons that were stated earlier. This is not proper debate tactic. A person’s education and reasoning ability comes from many factors. Some important factors are: socioeconomic class, the region in the world they live in, home environment, genetic gifts, willingness to work.

    • Jordan says:

      That’s exactly right. So to recap, lincoln was a democrat by today’s standards, and beck isn’t a republican. This picture: FAIL, however funny it may be

      • A6M4 says:

        Well…if the stereotype is that Republicans are racist, then…Lincoln is a Republican.
        “This is the whole of it, and anything that argues me into his idea of perfect social and political equality with the negro, is but a specious and fantastic arrangement of words, by which a man can prove a horse-chestnut to be a chestnut horse. [Laughter.]”

    • xaturnascends says:

      Lincoln beliefs completely coincide with modern day conservatives, it’s the liberals who have changed. Which is ironic considering the definition of liberal is “too change”.

  10. Anonymous says:

    It might be more amusing if you used an actual Republican instead of a Libertarian.

    • Libtard says:

      it might be more interesting if you knew what you were talking about. go read a book cause you sound like a retard, or just watch some youtube clips showing how beck is a parasite that steals from other shows and prances around claiming he’s a lib whole saying certain groups of people should be arrested and sent to camps. Thats very far from libertarian. Seriously read a book, you sound like an idiot and people get dumber reading this smut.

      • xaturnascends says:


        He’s correct. I think your the one who needs to do some more research. You don’t have to agree with Beck, or his methods. But you should at least know the ideology of the political parties before you attempt to make a dim-witted attack.

  11. Jay Finnan says:

    In a word: Money

  12. Gene says:

    Yes, a huge decline in the US. Lincoln would look just the same if he was alive now.

  13. proud righty says:

    solid comparison… a former president and an entertainer.

  14. Jeff says:

    this is the best farce you could create after stumbling upon these ridiculous photos? unlike

  15. Pogo says:

    Glenn Beck isn’t a Republican, he’s worse: a Libertarian.

  16. Charles says:

    hardly anyone can compare to one of the greatest presidents but in General yet. Integrity and truth has severely declined among republicans. now they are greed and power driven.

  17. Republicans of the past would be considered democrats today and the vice. Glenn is a libertarian. This could also be a picture of JFK and Jon Stewart.

  18. Ahmad Rashad says:

    Wow, from a hairy faced wrestler to a baby faced loser

  19. Eric says:

    Not sure if you’re kidding or not so I’ll treat your comment as if it is serious.

    Republicans of today are nothing like the Republicans of Lincoln’s time. The party’s name has remained the same but their ideals have changed dramatically.

    Put another way, if Lincoln the Republican was anything like our current era Republicans, I’m confident that human slavery in the U.S. would have survived for at least several more decades. On the plus side — if you want to think of it as such — there probably wouldn’t have been a civil war.

  20. Ursula says:

    Business and fun

  21. Anonymous says:

    maybe thats the problem.. Glenn Becks worse a Libertarian. so what happened to the republicans? cant people catch a joke anymore

  22. JTaylor says:

    Actually Libertarians are the WORST kind of Republicans! They disguise their true feelings (racism,bigotry) by saying people have the right to do whatever they want instead of standing up for what is good for the people of America.

  23. Thomas says:

    I am so embarrassed living in this country because of this Republican party giving all Americans a bad name. The concern years ago was in America being taken over from within from the communist party. Who knew the real threat was the big money Republican party!! This is a Faschist party, making all of us poorer with each passing day.

    • Curious American says:

      In fact the biggest money by far goes to the liberals. A curious fact given that the perception is the opposite. Check out the list of big money donors for Obama and Democrats and compare that to the list for republicans, big money for Dem’s eclipses Republican’s 3 to 1 go figure!

  24. Curious American says:

    Interestingly they are both Aquarians. I think the debate is the important thing. Since none of us agree with anyone all the time on all things, I believe we should endeavor to be understanding of various points of view. Freedom is a relatively new idea in the history of the World. I believe Lincoln was an extraordinary Man who I admire on many levels. I very much like Beck’s passion and love for Freedom although I do not agree with him on all issues. I do believe he gets many things right, and that he is a strong student of history, I admire his respect for God. I enjoy the humorous photo.

  25. Anonymous says:

    insanity lol

  26. mike says:

    glennv beck is an idiot

  27. xaturnascends says:

    Actually….most of you guys are wrong. Yes Beck is a Libertarian, and a staunch one. His views coincide with Libertarian views, which i agree which. The opposite is true of his methods for expressing those views. Libertarians believe in the smallest government possible, with very little government control over our daily lives, the borderline of anarchism. The further to the left…democrat. socialist. communist…. the more government control over daily lives. Lincoln was a Republican, is still is. He believed in freedom for all men, without the Government to decide who has that freedom and how it should be used. The same as the right today. Liberal does not equal libertarian. Liberal simply means change, conservative means stay the same. Conservatives believe in a literal interpretation of the constitution, as do most libertarians. Liberals believe in interpretation of the constitution. IMO..never a good idea as it can be “interpreted” in any direction the “interpreter” believes.

    As far as being more “liberal” on social issues…. There is no “liberal” on social issues. More “liberal” means more Government control. Libertarians, as previously stated Do Not Want government control.

    The youth today have a completely perverted view on American Politics, and are overwhelmed by media views on politics. The left has long controlled the media because of government subsidiary funding that media networks receive. Lobbyists and other liberal groups have long controlled most sources of mainstream media, mainly tv ie: CNN, NBC, MSNBC, PBS, ABC, CBS, all of which have received massive amounts of federal funding, earned through lobbying by left leaning lobbyists and unions.

  28. Anonymous says:

    im pretty sure glenn beck isnt a registered republican

  29. Joe says:

    Right, except one is a Libertarian, and the other is Republican from the time period when the Republican Party’s views were more similar to those of the modern Democratic Party than those of the modern Republican Party.

  30. jenni says:

    “Glenn Beck isn’t a republican he’s a Libertarian.”

    Yeah the $^% right. And Oprah is the best show to hit TV ever.

  31. Topsy_Kretts says:

    What happened is that the Republicans were basically liberals up until the 1930s (If i remember right) so basically being a republican back then is to what is being a democrat now. So yeah….. thats what happened.

  32. Glenn Beck. The only thing he wants is for people to discuss him and the things he says. He wants to be the guy who “said it first” and “got it right.”

    A prophet in other words.

    Funny thing about prophets… they are ALWAYS liars and charlatans.

    I am still waiting for the international Caliphate to over-run us.

    Speaking of lying prophets… no big surprise that this lunatic is a Mormon.

  33. Austen says:

    They need to make one of these posters with Andrew Jackson and Obama.

  34. Palidd says:

    Glenn Beck is not a republican he is what ever is convenient at the time he is a puppet of the worlds elite the same people who tell you that the American Dream is attainable by everyone and laugh at you when you believe it.

  35. Except the now picture should be Sarah Palin.

  36. C says:

    In Lincoln’s day, Republicans were the liberal party.

  37. AbeLincolnsBeard says:

    Media happened, that’s what. And the Internet too, giving stupid people the opportunity to say and do stupid stuff like this. Hey, a 100 years from now, we may even see a paradoy of liberals using this image on this site by futuristic dorks with photoshop skills!

  38. Issy Ojalvo says:

    The Republican ideas of small government, balancing the budget, and a pro-buisness country are slowly fading away. It’s the establishment Republicans that make us look bad. If people voted for the most competent people in power this whole idea of the Republican party being run by “idiots” like Sarah Palin, George Bush, and Glenn Beck would never take hold.

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