George Carlin On Class In America

George Carlin Quote On Class In America


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  1. Uncle B says:

    Snap-shot of Corporatist America! Canada skims from the corporations, skims from the highest earners, and re-distributes the booty to all through Universal Health Care, Strong infrastructure, Social safety nets, realistic, non-military policing, low cost housing. Poor? are’t anyhere! Food banks keep folks down ontheir luck or with limited abilities from starving, and “Street People” is a derrogatory term here akin tho Aemrican slang like niggers, We hacve Free soul adventurers woh have chosen a different path – they show up at our hospitals for a free medical “over-haul” are sent through the channels for a social re-build oft hey so choose, otherwise we furnish new, clean, warm clothing, free meals, and a place to sleep when our cold climate make it necessary and they remain, free spirits! A good part of the Canadian fabrique, and a marvel to behold! Some do corss country walks, free medical all the way, some hang by dumpsters in the cities, most are reasonalb,ly friendly, sane and affiable, some cross and recluse, but all are a part of the Canadian family, a sicoalist family, with classes freely recognized and respected, from the Uber Rich in Calgary to the native population, all included.

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