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French Dance Party

via pbh2

See also:


Will Smith + MSTRKRFT Dance Party



Salon has a good/disgusting article today about the CIA’s waterboarding procedure. I always wanted to believe in America as the City on a Hill, an example of freedom and liberty for all the world to emulate. In fact at other points in time, Americans have been courtmartialed for using waterboarding. Back when McCain was semi-liberal Republican, he spoke out vehemently against it, reminding people that we executed Japanese officers for authorizing it. In light of revelations that Bush personally authorized waterboarding, NPR asks would Jesus authorize waterboarding? And how many Hitlers are the ‘accidental’ deaths of tortured Muslims?


Mad Women

So if you haven’t watched AMC’s Mad Men yet, you are missing out on great television. Basically the show is about ad men that get drunk and sexually harass women, it’s great fun. The staff of Double X, aka Slate for Women, decided to drink like the Mad Men and see how that worked. The results were video-taped and are pretty great.


Harry Potter and the Congressional Medal

The US of A, bastion of rational thought and scientific reasoning, denied JK Rowling a Medal of Freedom because Bush administration officials believed she “encouraged witchcraft”. While metaphorical witch hunts are par for the course, I didn’t realize that there were people who still believed in shit like that.

Bonus: Jesus says cut here for the win.


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