Author Archive

Sarah Silverman On Jesus And Abortion

Jesus Fuckin’ Christ doesn’t stand for your oppressive, intolerant bullshit, y’all.


The North Korean Motorcycle Diaries

New Zealand bike enthusiasts were able to accomplish a diplomat’s dream: getting North and South Korea to agree on something. Being permitted to traverse the Baekdudaegan range–which North and South Korea share–the couple took in the sights with the hopes of reminding others that the regions have more in common than they think. Learn more about their story here.


King Joffrey On Celebrity Culture

Surprise: he hates it as much as he does a meddling Stark.


Russell Brand On How America Harvests Terrorists

Guess what: when people’s children are lawlessly and carelessly killed without reason, chances are they’re not going to start waving the perpetrator’s flag around in admiration.


A Worrying Oil Spill Timelapse

Hey, but at least that spilled oil is domestic, right?


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