Author Archive

When A Senator And A Lobbyist Grab Dinner

Apt metaphor: by feeding each other, they starve the public from the representation they deserve.


Why Are So Many Americans In Prison?

Michael Stoll, co-author of the book “Why are so Many Americans in Prison?” delves into the undercurrents driving the absurd US prison statistics–and ways to bring the numbers down.


Israel’s New Racism Targets: African Migrants

From The Nation: “About 60,000 African migrants have arrived in Israel since 2006, fleeing unrest in their home countries. But upon arrival in the ostensibly democratic country, the migrants have faced intense persecution and have been branded as “infiltrators” by right-wing politicians and activists.”


Obama Volunteering With Furloughed Federal Workers

On day 14 of the government shutdown, the president visits and volunteers with those suffering on behalf of the GOP’s manufactured, partisan and entirely unnecessary crisis.


This Year’s Economics Nobel Prize Winner On Inequality

In the eyes of Robert Shiller, the biggest issue facing our economy is not the financial crisis–it’s income inequality. We’re not talking about it, and we only stand to lose from that. This is from an interview in 2009. Things have only gotten worse since then. Solution? Index the tax system to measure income inequality and raise taxes on the wealthy after it passes a specific threshold.


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