Author Archive

How The GOP Rigged The Shutdown

On September 30th, the House voted so that only the Speaker of the House or one of his designees can end a government shutdown should it transpire. Beforehand, any member of the House could bring up the Senate bill (the CR) to end the shutdown. Looking for a change? You won’t get one.


Bernie Sanders On Corporate Tax Rates

Honesty! Integrity! Representing the public–and not-so monied–interests! In DC! What is this I’m seeing?!


The Great Debt Hoax Explained In One Awesome Cartoon

Sad to say but these days, if you want integrity when you turn on the tube (or ‘Tube), comedy is often the way to go. Here, Mark Fiore smacks down myth after myth about the deficit, debt, and the so-called “cure all” of austerity in a succinct two minutes. Do yourself a favor and have a look.


The First Victims Of Obamacare

No matter where you go in the industrialized world, the menace of government-mandated or issued healthcare coverage exists. The horror!


Obamacare Versus The Affordable Care Act

I can’t decide whether to laugh or burst into tears.


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