Author Archive

On Structure, Power And Agency

Lately, one cat has been pondering class treason: What does it mean that we do so many things in our lives ‘automatically’? What can we really do to make this world better? And what will we have to give up or risk in order to achieve it?


The Gun Debate Rap

Do guns really prevent tyranny? Is tyranny already here?


How The Hell Is Barack Obama My Dad?!

Still looking for “Change” from our great American “dad”? Maybe the only kind the Obama administration actually provides lies within its ever-shifting moral code.


The Permanent Campaign Shit Show

Think the campaign is over? Think again. Take a look at the next big thing in political spending!


Republican Conspiracy Crazies

Attn: GOP. Your nutty conspiracy theories hurt you more than they do your Kenyan, freedom-hating president.


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