White People Who Feel Sorry For You

Just when you thought life couldn’t get any better, rich white people are here again to save the day! First they put BillPersistent VegetationFrist in charge of the One Vote ’08 campaign, and now this! A wonderful video where over-privileged people come together for a few minutes in front of a camera to let you know, dear pathetic peasant, just how very sorry they feel for you! You know, for being born and all.


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  1. Matthew Gausman says:

    I’m not sure your vitriol deserves a response, but here it is. It has been made quite clear that One.org is not about charity, but justice. I refuse to live in a world that supports economic and social systems that destroy, rather than protect human life. I have no pity for people in developing nations, yet I understand that there are things that need to be done to provide them with a better shot in life. Would you have us do nothing? Your kind of cynicism is the problem, and not possibly related to any sort of solution. If you want to do the planet a favor, keep your hate to yourself.

  2. Yeah Jackass, don’t question the sincerity of Bill Frist. He cares about people.

  3. alec says:

    No, I would not have you do nothing. I would have you do something that isn’t birthed out of the wombs of a bunch of self-centered, attention driven pricks. Fuck your cause, you’re just feeding the egos of people who don’t deserve it.

  4. Grace says:

    It can be sad what a jealous mind would call objectivity. Get a life and share it productively, please!

  5. Kit says:

    All I can share are STDs and broken dreams. Where is my saviour? my shot at redemption?

  6. Hi…

    really great post…

  7. Thanks, keep up the good work…

    Also nice collection you got here:)…

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