Why John McCain totally blows.

It’s always nice when politicians have military experience. And John McCain should be applauded for his–though there is some controversy over whether or not he was a little too cooperative with the guards in the Vietnamese prison camp. But, more to the point, politicians should not be judged solely on whether or not they’ve had military experience. What their positions are on issues and who influences them matter a great deal more and despite media portrayal, John McCain totally blows on the issues.

John McCain wants to outlaw abortions, he doesn’t want the minimum wage increase, he’s a staunch supporter of the death penalty, John McCain wants the Ten Commandments on display at public schools, He’ll only fund the abstinence only sex education that study after study has shown doesn’t work, He wants to privatize social security, He’s supports redirecting public education funds to voucher programs, His support for sound fiscal policy has taken a back seat to securing tax cuts for the rich, He supports the Patriot Act provisions that abridge constitutional civil liberties, he voted no on reducing oil usage by 40% by 2025, and he supports allowing religious facilities run state welfare programs.

So while McCain has been painted by the media as a moderate and while he’s certainly not the most conservative paleo-republican ever–He’s still a Republican. He’s still irresponsible. And he would still make a bad President.


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  1. Riley says:

    I once like McCain but have dropped him after he went crawling to the Religious Wrong for approval.

    Somebody, I don’t care who, needs to stand up and say: The *great* majority of Americans, even Americans who describe themselves as christians, have no intention of being dictated to by Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts, or any similar authoritarian wolves clad in religious clothing.

  2. alec says:

    The criticism from Reddit – “Short post, big claims, no citing.” Any follow up? I’ll add my own comments later.

  3. All my information was garnered from his voteing records the public statements of Mr McCain and those who know him. http://www.ontheissues.org/John_McCain.htm

  4. jim says:

    Thanks for that tidy bunch of information on John “Straight Talk Express” McCain.

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